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Configuration Options Summary

Last updated September 2023

This chapter lists all configuration options visible in the following scopes; global, domain, host, binding, binding_group, security, pathway, pathway_group, listener, listen, peer, threadpool, debug_flags, and cluster, as well as in the listener-specific scope. Module-specific options are documented in the module documentation and options specific to Mobile Momentum are documented in the Mobile Momentum documents. Options are sorted alphabetically by name. If an option functions as a scope, this is indicated by (scope).

The Type column indicates the MTA type of a given option. Options of type na do not directly apply to either a sending or receiving MTA.

If an option has a default value, it is shown in the Default column followed by a version number, if there has been a change to the default value. If the value of an option cannot be changed at runtime, the Default column will show (non-dynamic).

The Version column indicated the version(s) of Momentum that support the option.

_unsafe_spool – Allow dangerous spool semantics to be usednafalse4.0 and laterglobal
accept_queue_backlog – Accept queue backlogreceiving04.0 and latercontrol_listener, eccluster_listener, ecstream_listener, esmtp_listener, http_listener, listen, msgcserver_listener, xmpp_listener
adaptive_adjustment_interval – Throttle the adaptive adjustment intervalsending604.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
adaptive_alert_email_destination – Address where adaptive alerts should be sentsending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
adaptive_notification_events – Set the sender address of the alert emailsendingNULL4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
adaptive_attempt_threshold – Minimum delivery attempts over a period during which bounce stats are collected and suspensions attemptedsending2000 (3.2)4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
adaptive_backstore_leveldb (scope) – Use LevelDB as the backing store for Adaptive Deliverysending 4.0 and laterglobal
adaptive_backstore_riak (scope) – Define the characteristics of the Riak backing storesending 4.0 and laterglobal
adaptive_body_timeout – Set the bounds for the adaptive optionsending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
adaptive_default_suspension – Amount of time to suspend a domainsending4 hours4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
adaptive_ehlo_timeout – Set the bounds for the adaptive optionsending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
adaptive_enabled – Whether to enable the adaptive module for a specific scopesendingfalse4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
adaptive_fbl_volume_threshold – Minimum total delivered mail count over a period during which FBL stats are collectedsending200004.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
adaptive_idle_timeout – Set the bounds for the adaptive optionsending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
adaptive_mailfrom_timeout – Set the bounds for the adaptive optionsending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
adaptive_max_deliveries_per_connection – Set the bounds for the adaptive optionsending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
adaptive_max_outbound_connections – Set the bounds for the adaptive optionsending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
adaptive_max_recipients_per_batch – Set the bounds for the adaptive optionsending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
adaptive_max_recipients_per_connection – Set the bounds for the adaptive optionsending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
adaptive_max_resident_active_queue – Set the bounds for the adaptive optionsending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
adaptive_max_retries – Set the bounds for the adaptive optionsending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
adaptive_max_retry_interval – Set the bounds for the adaptive optionsending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
adaptive_notification_events – Configure the events that will trigger an email notificationsendingthrottle suspension blackhole4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
adaptive_notification_interval – Throttle for adaptive alert notification emailssending36004.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
adaptive_outbound_throttle_messages – Set the bounds for the adaptive optionsending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
adaptive_positive_adjustment_interval – Throttle positive adjustments to adaptive changessending36004.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
adaptive_rcptto_timeout – Set the bounds for the adaptive optionsending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
adaptive_rejection_rate_suspension_percentage – Rate at which messages are rejectedsending204.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
adaptive_retry_fuzz – Allow greater control over bulk message retries in cases where all messages for a domain have to be retriedsending40964.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
adaptive_retry_interval – Set the bounds for the adaptive optionsending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
adaptive_rset_timeout – Set the bounds for the adaptive optionsending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
adaptive_scope – Define the scope applicable to adaptive deliverysendingauto4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
adaptive_sweep_rule (scope) – Set the thresholds and actions for adaptive fbl and bounce rulessending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
adaptive_sweep_rule_enabled – Enable or disable adaptive_sweep_rule in a specified scopesending14.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
address – Set the SNMP IP address and portna(non-dynamic)4.0 and latersnmp
address_metrics_cleanse_interval – Interval for refreshing address metricssending36004.0 and laterglobal
address_metrics_lifetime – TTL of address metricssending18004.0 and laterglobal
alias_schemes – Enable named alias expansion schemesboth 4.0 and laterdomain, global, pathway, pathway_group
allow_ip_literal – Allow IP addresses in email addressesreceivingtrue4.0 and lateresmtp_listener, global, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
allow_null_envelope_sender – Allow the null envelope sender in email addressesreceivingtrue4.0 and lateresmtp_listener, global, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
allow_trailing_whitespace_in_commands – Allow trailing white space at the end of an SMTP commandreceivingfalse4.0 and lateresmtp_listener, global, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
always_allow – When set to true, authentication is considered to have succeeded, unless always_deny is setreceivingfalse4.0 and latercontrol_listener, esmtp_listener, http_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
always_deny – If set to true, authentication is considered to have failedreceivingfalse4.0 and latercontrol_listener, esmtp_listener, http_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
apn_expiry – Define the number of seconds after which an APNs notification is no longer validsendingyes (non-dynamic)4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
arp_all_hosts – Whether or not to aggressively send out ARP information to ensure that the network knows about the IP address assignment (cluster-specific)natrue4.0 and latercluster
async_bounce_rendering – Which thread pool to use for bounce renderingsendingtrue4.0 and laterglobal
authcrammd5parameters – Configure CRAM-MD5 authenticationreceiving 4.0 and latercontrol_listener, esmtp_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group
authdigestmd5parameters – Configure DIGEST-MD5 authenticationreceiving 4.0 and latercontrol_listener, esmtp_listener, http_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer, xmpp_listener
authloginparameters – Configure clear text login authenticationreceiving 4.0 and latercontrol_listener, esmtp_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group
authorization (scope) – Configure the console commands applicable to usersna 4.0 and laterglobal
authorizationparameters – AuthorizationParameters dictionary points to authorization informationreceiving 4.0 and latercontrol_listener, esmtp_listener, listen
authplainparameters – Configure plain text login authenticationreceiving 4.0 and lateresmtp_listener, http_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, xmpp_listener
backlog – Maximum number of jobs that can be queued up for a poolna0 (non-dynamic)4.0 and laterthreadpool
banner_hostname – Specifies the banner hostname that will be displayed to the remote client upon connectingreceiving 4.0 and lateresmtp_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
bind_address – Source address for outbound connectionssending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, global
binding (scope) – Configure binding-specific optionssending 4.0 and laterbinding_group, global
binding_auto_replumb (scope) – Enable or disable the auto replumbersending and receiving and laterglobal
binding_auto_replumb_interval (scope) – Sets the time interval to check the plumbed state of statically plumbed bindingssending and receiving and laterglobal
binding_group (scope) – Logically group a set of bindingssending 4.0 and laterglobal
blackhole – Blackhole mailsendingfalse4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
body_timeout – Network timeout once the DATA phase is completesending6004.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
bounce_behavior – Configure the action taken when a message is classified as a bouncesendingpass4.0 and laterdomain, global
bounce_domains – Configure the list of domains eligible for bounce processingreceiving 4.0 and laterglobal, pathway, pathway_group
bounce_pattern – Configure the pattern that inbound email addresses must match to be considered bouncessending 4.0 and laterdomain, global
bounce_suppress_list – Configure a list of email addresses that may not be considered original recipientssending 4.0 and laterglobal
bounces_inline_original – How much of the original message to include in MDNssendingheaders4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
capabilities – Selectively retain root capabilitiesna(non-dynamic)4.0 and latersecurity
chroot – chroot to a secure environmentna(non-dynamic)4.0 and latersecurity
clear_mail_queue_maintainers – Reschedule the mail queue maintainerbothtrue4.0 and laterglobal
click_tracking_enabled – Enable or disable click tracking for SMTP injectionsbooleanfalse4.1-HF4 (beta)esmtp_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
click_tracking_scheme – Set the hyperlink scheme to use for click tracking links in SMTP injectionsstringhttp4.1-HF4 (beta)esmtp_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
cluster_group – The DuraVIP™ system coordinates IP ownership responsibilities via the cluster_group extended virtual synchrony group (cluster-specific)naec_cluster4.0 and latercluster
cluster_max_outbound_connections – Set the maximum number of outbound connections for a domain (cluster-specific)sending-14.0 and laterbinding, domain, global, host
cluster_outbound_throttle_connections – Limit the rate at which connections are established (cluster-specific)sending 4.0 and laterbinding_group, domain, global
cluster_outbound_throttle_messages – Limit the rate at which messages are delivered (cluster-specific)sending 4.0 and laterbinding_group, domain, global
cluster_scope_max_outbound_connections – Provide traffic shaping for outbound connections (cluster-specific)sending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global, host
cluster_server_max_outbound_connections – Set the maximum number of outbound connections (cluster-specific)sending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, global
codes – adaptive_sweep_rule bounce or fbl codessending 4.0 and lateradaptive_sweep_rule
community – Set the SNMP Community option value to the desired SNMP community the agent is to joinnapublic (non-dynamic)4.0 and latersnmp
concurrency – Define number of available threadsreceiving04.0 and latercontrol_listener, eccluster_listener, ecstream_listener, esmtp_listener, http_listener, listen, threadpool, xmpp_listener
connect_timeout – Set the connection timeoutsending3004.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
connect_timeout_to_delay – Time interval before moving mail into the delayed queuesending9004.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
connection_allocation_aggressiveness – Tune the aggressiveness for establishing new connections to domainssendingnormal4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
context – Use to set arbitrary connection context key value pairsreceiving 4.0 and lateresmtp_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
control_cache – Name of the cache file storing asynchronous responsesna 4.0 and laterlogs
control_client_timeout – Network timeout for Momentum control client connectionsna604.0 and laterglobal
control_group – Cluster manager utilizes this group to issue cluster-wide configuration commands (cluster-specific)naec_console4.0 and latercluster
control_listener (scope) – Listener for incoming control connectionsna 4.0 and laterglobal
critical – Set the debug levelnaALL4.0 and laterdebug_flags
crypto_engine – Enable hardware cryptography accelerationboth 4.0 and laterglobal
crypto_lock_method – Set the locking method used by the TLS layerreceiving and sendingEC_SSL_DEFAULTLOCK (non-dynamic)4.0 and laterglobal
debug – Set the debug levelna 4.0 and laterdebug_flags
debug_flags (scope) – Configure debug verbosityna 4.0 and laterglobal
debug_level – Set the module debug level (applicable to all modules) (cluster-specific)naerror4.0 and latercluster
default_binding – Control the default bindingsendingnormal4.0 and laterglobal
default_charset – Control the character setbothus-ascii4.0 and laterglobal, pathway, pathway_group
delay_dsn_max_retry_interval – Maximum interval for sending DSNs to the sender of a message that has not yet been deliveredsending432004.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
delay_dsn_retry_interval – Base interval for sending DSNs to the sender of a message that has not yet been deliveredsending36004.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
delayed_binding_domain_fuzz – Time period to spread scheduled messages over when a bulk requeue is necessarysending04.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, global
delayed_queue_scan_interval – How often to call the maintainer for a domainsending154.0 and laterglobal
delivery_method – Set the delivery methodsendingESMTP (3.0), SMTP (2.2)4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
delivery_pool – Associate an eventloop with mail deliverysending(non-dynamic)4.0 and laterglobal
delivery_response_timeout – Time to wait for a response to an outbound requestsending50004.0 and laterbinding, domain, global
dir_mode – Octal representation of the file permissionsna 4.0 and laterlogs
disable_chunked – Option used with aggregators who do not support chunked transfer-coding (Mobile Momentum)bothfalse4.0 and laterhttp_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
disable_nagle_algorithm – Disable nagle algorithm on socketsbothfalse4.0 and latercontrol_listener, eccluster_listener, ecstream_listener, esmtp_listener, global, http_listener, listen, xmpp_listener
disk_queue_drain_rate – Control the rate at which messages are spooled in on start-upboth1004.0 and laterglobal
dns_cache_purge_interval – How often the DNS response cache is scanned for stale entriessending604.0 and laterglobal
dns_expire_interval – How often to check for domains with expired DNS informationsending104.0 and laterglobal
dns_failures_to_purge – Configure the maximum number of DNS lookupssending104.0 and laterdomain, global
dns_fallback_to_tcp – Whether or not to fail over to TCP in place of UDPbothfalse4.0 and laterglobal
domain (scope) – Configure domain-specific optionssending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, global
domain_for_unqualified_recipient_addresses – Configure a domain which will be used to resolve delivery for unqualified addressesreceiving 4.0 and lateresmtp_listener, global, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
domain_for_unqualified_sender_address – Configure a domain which will be used to substitute for unqualified sender addressesreceiving 4.0 and lateresmtp_listener, global, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
domainkeys – Enable or disable domainkeys signingsending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
drop_body_after_trans_fail – Number of retry attempts before freeing message memorysending34.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
duravip_balance_set_size – When balancing DuraVIP™s, how many to process as a batch in response to a balance request (cluster-specific)na14.0 and latercluster
duravip_follow – Specify the binding a listener should follow (cluster-specific)receiving 4.0 and laterlisten
duravip_preference – Specify a DuraVIP™ preference (cluster-specific)both 4.0 and laterbinding, listen
eccluster_listener (scope) – Control communication between cluster nodes (cluster-specific)na 4.0 and laterglobal
ecstream_idle_time – Number of seconds of inactivity before a client is disconnected (ECStream only)receiving3004.0 and laterecstream_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
ecstream_listener (scope) – Listener for incoming ECSTREAM connectionsreceiving 4.0 and laterglobal
ecstream_max_batch_size – Maximum number of ECStream messages to accept before dropping back into the scheduler (ECStream only)receiving100004.0 and laterecstream_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
ecstream_port – Configure the port for ecstream deliveriessending18254.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
ecstream_timeout – Amount of time to wait for an ecstream connection to be establishedsending6004.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
ehlo_hostname – Set the hostname used for EHLO in outbound mailsendinghostname4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
ehlo_timeout – Network timeout for EHLOsending3004.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
enable – Enable or disable a listener scopereceivingtrue4.0 and latercontrol_listener, eccluster_listener, ecstream_listener, esmtp_listener, http_listener, listen, msgcserver_listener, xmpp_listener
enable_authentication – Whether or not to enable authenticationreceiving 4.0 and latercontrol_listener, esmtp_listener, http_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
enable_authorization – Whether or not to enable authorization for console commandsreceiving 4.0 and latercontrol_listener, listen, peer
enable_duravip – Whether to enable Durable MultiVIP© bindings (cluster-specific)both 4.0 and laterbinding, listen
enable_fbl_header_insertion – Enable or disable fbl header insertionsending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
enable_mta_sts – Enable or disable MTA-STS policy applicationsending 4.8 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
enabled – Whether or not the module is enabled (cluster-specific)natrue4.0 and latercluster
error – Set the debug levelnaALL4.0 and laterdebug_flags
esmtp_listener (scope) – Listener for incoming SMTP connectionsreceiving 4.0 and laterglobal
event_loop – Associate a listener with an eventloopsending(non-dynamic)4.0 and laterecstream_listener, esmtp_listener, listen
eventloop (scope) – Define a pool of event loops to enable multiple event loop configurationboth(non-dynamic)4.0 and laterglobal
events_per_iter – Employ when using a Concurrency greater than 1receiving04.0 and latercontrol_listener, eccluster_listener, ecstream_listener, esmtp_listener, http_listener, listen, xmpp_listener
exclude_vctx_conn – Exclude validation connection context keys from being journaled in the spool metadataboth 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
exclude_vctx_mess – Exclude validation message context keys from being journaled in the spool metadataboth 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
expensive_batch_assessment – Treat messages as equal even if the bodies or headers have been modified since receptionreceivingfalse4.0 and laterglobal
File_Mode – File access rights in octal notationna06604.0 and latercontrol_listener, eccluster_listener, ecstream_listener, esmtp_listener, http_listener, listen, msgcserver_listener, xmpp_listener
file_mode – Octal representation of the file permissions (cluster logs)na 4.0 and laterlogs
force_fsync – Ensure that data is synced to disk on receptionreceivingfalse4.0 and laterglobal
fully_resolve_before_smtp – Resolve all MX and A records before attempting deliverysendingtrue4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
gateway – Configure a static SMTP route for mailsending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
gcm_application_id – Define the package name of the Android application allowed to received notificationssending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
gcm_authorization_token_id – Authorization token that permits sending Google push notificationssending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
gcm_delay_while_idle – Whether or not to send the notification immediately if a device is idlesendingfalse4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
gcm_dry_run – Test a request without actually sending a messagesendingfalse4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
gcm_ttl – Default Time To Live for notificationssending-14.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
generate_bounces – Generate MDNs if mail is failed after receptionsendingtrue4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
generate_bounces_for_multi_recipient_policy_rejections – Generate MDNs after reception for policy rejectionsreceivingtrue4.0 and laterglobal, pathway, pathway_group
generate_delay_dsn – Generate DSNs if mail is delayedsendingfalse4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
group – Group identity to assume after startupnaecuser (non-dynamic)4.0 and latersecurity
growbuf_size – Size of an element in a growbuf chainna163844.0 and laterglobal
heartbeat_start_delay – Seconds to wait after startup before the cluster heartbeat is activated (cluster-specific)na154.0 and latercluster
heartbeats_per_sec – How often to send a heartbeat (cluster-specific)na14.0 and latercluster
high_action – Action when the high threshold is met and the number of delivery attempts exceeds the adaptive_attempt_thresholdsending"suspend" "4 hours"4.0 and lateradaptive_sweep_rule
high_threshold – High threshold value for the sum of the rates of the bounce codes or FBL categoriessending104.0 and lateradaptive_sweep_rule
host (scope) – Configure host-specific optionssending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, global
host_failure_retry – Time to wait before attempting a retrysending1204.0 and laterdomain, global
hot_domains - List of high-traffic domains that should be spread across maintainer threadssendingversion-dependent3.6 and laterglobal
hostname – Override the system configured hostnameboth 4.0 and laterglobal
http_basic_auth – Define the user credentials when using basic HTTP authenticationboth 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
http_host – Define the HTTP hostsending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
http_listener (scope) – Listener used with the REST injectorsending 4.0 and laterglobal
http_method – Define the HTTP method to usesendingPOST4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
http_uri – Define the HTTP URI that you wish to connect tosending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
http_version – Define the HTTP version to usesending1.14.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
idle_time – Number of seconds of inactivity before a client is disconnectedreceiving3004.0 and lateresmtp_listener, http_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer, xmpp_listener
idle_timeout – Time to maintain idle outbound connectionssending54.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
if_check_interval – How often to run through a maintenance cycle (cluster-specific)na304.0 and latercluster
if_down_limit – How long to wait before deciding to bring an IP online (cluster-specific)na44.0 and latercluster
inbound_throttle_messages – Rate limit inbound mailreceiving 4.0 and laterglobal, pathway, pathway_group
info – Set the debug levelna 4.0 and laterdebug_flags
initial_hash_buckets – Set the number of hash buckets used by the systemna324.0 and laterglobal
inline_transfail_processing – How to handle transient failure processingsending14.0 and laterglobal
keep_message_dicts_in_memory – Preserve memory representation of metadata when memory is lowbothfalse (non-dynamic)4.0 and laterglobal
large_message_threshold – Consider a message large when its size exceeds this amountboth1310724.0 and laterglobal
legacy_message_threshold – Maximum size allowed for messages being passed to legacy modulesboth10485764.0 and laterglobal
license – Specify an alternate license locationna/opt/msys/ecelerity/etc (non-dynamic)4.0 and laterglobal
listen (scope) – Specify the socket that a listener listens onreceiving 4.0 and latercontrol_listener, ecstream_listener, esmtp_listener, http_listener, msgcserver_listener, xmpp_listener
listen_backlog – Listen backlogreceiving500 (3.0)4.0 and latercontrol_listener, eccluster_listener, ecstream_listener, esmtp_listener, http_listener, listen, xmpp_listener
listener_sessions – Specifies the maximum number of concurrent sessions that can be established to this listenerreceiving04.0 and lateresmtp_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
lmtp_port – Configure the port for LMTP deliveriessending20034.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
local_changes_file – File for writing local configuration changesna/opt/msys/ecelerity/etc/local_changes.conf4.0 and laterglobal
local_changes_only – Whether there is a file for writing local configuration changenafalse4.0 and laterglobal
log_active_interval – Used to tune centralized logging (cluster-specific)na14.0 and latercluster
log_group – Whether or not panic log messages are broadcast over spread (cluster-specific)na 4.0 and latercluster
log_idle_interval – Amount of time to sleep before looking for another segment (cluster-specific)na104.0 and latercluster
log_requests_to_paniclog – Whether to log REST injection requestssendingfalse4.0 and laterhttp_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
Logfile – Describe the full path to the log filena 4.0 and laterlogs
logs – Define the location of the cluster manager logs (cluster-specific)na 4.0 and latercluster
logs (scope) – Configure centralized log files on the cluster managerna 4.0 and laterglobal
low_action – Action when the high threshold is not met but the low threshold is metsending"throttle" "down"4.0 and lateradaptive_sweep_rule
low_threshold – Low threshold value for the sum of the rates of the bounce codes or FBL categoriessending54.0 and lateradaptive_sweep_rule
mail_queue_check_vm_interval – How often to apply memory management reduction on mail queuesboth604.0 and laterglobal
mailerdaemon – Set the From: address for MDNssending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
mailfrom_timeout – Timeout after MAIL FROMsending3004.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
maintainer_pool – Create an eventloop for maintainersboth(non-dynamic)4.0 and laterglobal
malloc2mmap_threshold – Use mmap when allocations exceed this amountna40924.0 and laterglobal
manager (scope) – Define managers for subclustersna 4.0 and laterlogs
masterdb_file – Specify an alternate path for the statistics permastorena/var/log/ecelerity/ecdb (non-dynamic)4.0 and laterglobal
match_cache_life – Set the maximum number of seconds that the match cache will be validna04.0 and laterglobal
match_cache_size – Size of the cache that holds the results of looking up matching scopesna163844.0 and laterglobal
max_deliveries_per_connection – Maximum number of messages to deliver before closing a connectionsending04.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
max_dns_ttl – Set the maximum DNS TTLsending42949672954.0 and laterglobal
max_idle – Maximum number of seconds a log file may be left openna 4.0 and laterlogs
max_message_size – Maximum number of bytes allowed in a single message before a "resources exhausted" message is returned to the clientreceiving04.0 and lateresmtp_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
max_open – Maximum number of concurrently open log filesna 4.0 and laterlogs
max_outbound_connections – Set the maximum number of outbound connectionssending324.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global, host
max_receptions_per_connection – Maximum number of messages allowed in a single session, after which a 421 error will be returnedreceiving04.0 and lateresmtp_listener, global, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
max_recipients_per_batch – Maximum number of recipients to send in a single outbound message transactionsending1004.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
max_recipients_per_connection – Maximum number of recipients allowed in a single session, after which a 421 error will be returnedsending04.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, esmtp_listener, global, listen, peer
max_recipients_per_message – Maximum number of recipients allowed in a message, after which a 421 error will be returnedreceiving04.0 and lateresmtp_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
max_request_size – Limit the size of an HTTP requestboth 4.0 and laterhttp_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
max_resident_active_queue – Threshold above which messages are not held in memorysending2504.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
max_resident_messages – Threshold above which messages are not held in memorysending327684.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, global
max_resident_transfails – If the transient failure queue grows beyond this size, messages are swapped out of memorysending1004.0 and laterglobal
mta_sts_dns_cname_max_depth – Maximum number of continous CNAME lookups allowed while doing MTA-STS DNS lookupsending54.8 and laterglobal
mta_sts_policy_store – Directory to store MTA-STS policy filessending/var/spool/ecelerity/mtasts (non-dynamic)4.8 and laterglobal
swap_out_meta_after_each_tempfail – If this is set to false, Momentum will only update metadata on disk after each tempfail if the message context is dirty, and the num_retires, next_attempt and message context may not be accurate if Momentum crashessendingtrue4.3.1 and laterglobal
max_retries – Override the system configured max_retriessending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
max_retry_interval – Maximum retry intervalsending432004.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
max_timed_events_per_iter – Maximum numer of timed events per scheduler iterationna10244.0 and laterglobal
mcmt_reception – Configure a listener to accept the Multi-Channel Message Type (Mobile Momentum)bothpassthru4.0 and lateresmtp_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
mdn_failures_notify – Mailbox to which to send null recipient MDNssending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
memory_goal – Configure physical memory usage goalna904.0 and laterglobal
memory_hwm – Configure physical memory usage high-water markna954.0 and laterglobal
message_expiration – Time to live for messagessending864004.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
migrate_connections_between_sibling_domains – Optimize connections for sibling domainsbothtrue4.0 and laterglobal
mime_parse_large_messages_during_reception – Configure whether large messages are parsed upon reception or just in timereceivingtrue4.0 and laterglobal
min_dns_ttl – Override DNS TTLs smaller than this valuesending04.0 and laterglobal
mx_failures_fallback_to_a – Configure the maximum number of times an MX lookup will be attemptedsending34.0 and laterdomain, global
mx_failures_to_delay – Number of consecutive failures before a domain is auto-delayedsending504.0 and laterdomain, global
never_attempt_expired_messages – Never attempt delivery of expired messagessendingfalse4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
never_retry – Whether or not to retry delivery of failed messagessendingfalse4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
nodeaddr – Canonical cluster address for the node (cluster-specific)na 4.0 and latercluster
nodename – Override the node name that is used to canonically identify this cluster node (cluster-specific)na 4.0 and latercluster
notice – Set the debug levelna 4.0 and laterdebug_flags
only_use_best_mx_for_relay_domains – If this is set to true only the lowest numerical priority MXs are usedsendingtrue4.0 and laterglobal
open_tracking_enabled – Enable or disable open tracking for SMTP injectionsbooleanfalse4.1-HF4 (beta)esmtp_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
open_tracking_scheme – Set the hyperlink scheme to use for open tracking links in SMTP injectionsstringhttp4.1-HF4 (beta)esmtp_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
open_relay – Whether the MTA is an open relay or notreceivingfalse4.0 and lateresmtp_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
opendkim_sign – Whether or not to enable OpenDKIM signingsendingtrue (non-dynamic)4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
outbound_throttle_connections – Limit the rate at which connections are establishedsending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
outbound_throttle_messages – Limit the rate at which messages are deliveredsending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
pathway (scope) – Grouping of inbound configuration optionsreceiving 4.0 and laterglobal, pathway_group
pathway – Means for associating a Listener with a pathway scopereceiving 4.0 and laterecstream_listener, esmtp_listener, listen, peer
pathway_group (scope) – Container for pathway scopesreceiving 4.0 and laterglobal
pcre_cache_size – Set the maximum size of the ec_pcre_compile cachena1004.0 and laterglobal
pcre_cache_ttl – Set the maximum TTL for the ec_pcre_compile cachena3004.0 and laterglobal
peer (scope) – Create an ACL within a specific listenerreceiving 4.0 and latercontrol_listener, ecstream_listener, esmtp_listener, http_listener, listen, xmpp_listener
permastore_interval – Frequency for saving various statisticsna3004.0 and laterglobal
pidfile – Set the PID file pathna/var/run/ (non-dynamic)4.0 and laterglobal
pool_name – Associate a threadpool with a listenerreceiving 4.0 and latercontrol_listener, eccluster_listener, ecstream_listener, esmtp_listener, http_listener, listen, xmpp_listener
prefer_ipv6_mxs - Prefer IPv6 addresses over IPv4 addresses at a given MX priority levelsendingfalse4.0 and laterglobal
prohibited_hosts – Prevent mail from being delivered to invalid destinationssending 4.0 and laterglobal
rcptto_timeout – Timeout after RCPT TOsending3004.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
received_hostname – Hostname that is placed in the received headers; these are added to the messages as it transits Momentumreceiving 4.0 and lateresmtp_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
reconfig_message – Message if the configuration has changedreceiving4.3.2 Reconfiguration in progress4.0 and lateresmtp_listener
relay_domains – Configure the list of domains for which Momentum relays mailreceiving 4.0 and laterglobal, pathway, pathway_group
relay_for_sending_domains – Domains that may use the MTA as a relayreceiving 4.0 and lateresmtp_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
relay_hosts – Configure the list of hosts for which Momentum relays mailreceiving 4.0 and lateresmtp_listener, global, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
remote_smtp_port – Set the port to be used for SMTP deliveriessending254.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
replicate (scope) – Define the cluster replication framework (cluster-specific)na 4.0 and latercluster
require_ehlo – Reject mail from clients that do not say HELOreceivingfalse4.0 and lateresmtp_listener, global, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
reserve_maintenance_interval – How often to perform mail queue maintenancesending154.0 and laterglobal
resolv_conf – Specify a custom resolv.conf filesending 4.0 and laterglobal
response_transcode_pattern – Regex pattern for comparison to a server responsesending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
response_transcode_replace – Replacement string for a server responsesending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
retry_interval – Base retry intervalsending12004.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
rfc2821_allow_whitespace_in_envelope – Permit trailing white space before the final CRLFreceivingfalse4.0 and laterglobal, pathway, pathway_group
rfc2821_pedantic_address_rules – Allow relaxation of enforcement of the rfc2821 address rulesreceivingtrue4.0 and laterglobal, pathway, pathway_group
rfc2822_date_header – Allow relaxation of enforcement of the rfc2822 address rulesreceivingifneeded4.0 and laterglobal, pathway, pathway_group
rfc2822_lone_lf_in_body – Allow relaxation of enforcement of the rfc2822 address rulesreceivingignore4.0 and laterglobal, pathway, pathway_group
rfc2822_lone_lf_in_headers – Allow relaxation of enforcement of the rfc2822 address rulesreceivingpedantic4.0 and laterglobal, pathway, pathway_group
rfc2822_max_line_length – Allow relaxation of enforcement of the rfc2822 address rulesreceivingignore4.0 and laterglobal, pathway, pathway_group
rfc2822_max_line_length_policy – Determine how non-RFC-compliant line lengths are handledreceivingnone4.0 and laterglobal, pathway, pathway_group
rfc2822_messageid_header – Allow relaxation of enforcement of the rfc2822 address rulesreceivingifneeded4.0 and laterglobal, pathway, pathway_group
rfc2822_missing_headers – Allow relaxation of enforcement of the rfc2822 address rulesreceivingreject4.0 and laterglobal, pathway, pathway_group
rfc2822_trace_headers – Allow relaxation of enforcement of the rfc2822 address rulesreceivingtrue4.0 and laterglobal, pathway, pathway_group
replicate (scope) – Define a role within an authorization stanzana 4.0 and laterauthorization
routes – Configure message routingsending 4.0 and laterdomain, global
rset_timeout – Set the timeout after RSETsending304.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
scheduler – Override the default IO schedulerna(non-dynamic)4.0 and laterglobal
scope_max_outbound_connections – Provide traffic shaping for outbound connectionssending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
security (scope) – Scope for defining which permissions are retained by which userna(non-dynamic)4.0 and laterglobal
send_8bitmime – Enable advertising of 8BITMIME when sending mailsendingno4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
server_max_file_descriptors – Sets the maximum number of file descriptors usable by the systemna30000004.0 and laterglobal
server_max_outbound_connections – Sets the maximum number of outbound connectionssending200004.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, global
server_reserve_outbound_connections – Sets the server-wide connection limit reservesending2004.0 and laterglobal
service_sessions – Specifies the maximum number of concurrent sessions that can be established to all listeners for this service (e.g., ESMTP, ECStream)receiving04.0 and lateresmtp_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
signing_stats – Control how signing statistics are recordedsendingall4.0 and laterglobal
siv_throttle_cache_size – Set the maximum number of named throttlesboth100, 1000 (3.0.24)4.0 and laterglobal
skip_hosts – Skip the specified host, but consider other hosts in the domainsending and laterglobal
smtp_extensions – Array of SMTP extensionsreceiving 4.0 and lateresmtp_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
SNMP (scope) – Simple Network Management Protocol Support scope optionsna(non-dynamic)4.0 and laterglobal
snmp_traps (scope) – Enable and configure generation of SNMP trapsna(non-dynamic)4.0 and laterglobal
soft_bounce_drain_rate – How many soft bounces to place into the mail queues in a single scheduler iterationsending1004.0 and laterglobal
spool_mode – Set the file mode for newly created spool filesna0640 (non-dynamic)4.0 and laterglobal
spoolbase – Set the base directory for the spoolna/var/spool/ecelerity (non-dynamic)4.0 and laterglobal
ssl_lock_method – Specify the SSL lock methodnamutex (non-dynamic)4.0 and laterglobal
stack_size – Stack space for a threadpoolna0 (non-dynamic)4.0 and laterthreadpool
starttls_injection_policy – Protect against SMTP injections prior to TLSreceivingreject4.0 and lateresmtp_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
state – Whether to enable the SNMP agentna1 (non-dynamic)4.0 and latersnmp
state – Whether to enable generation of SNMP trapsna0 (non-dynamic)4.0 and latersnmp_traps
static_banner – Specifies the banner that will be displayed to the remote client upon connecting. You must include 220 as the beginning of your replacement string; e.g., 220 my.mail.server ESMTPreceiving 4.0 and lateresmtp_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
supplemental_groups – Supplemental groups to assume after startupna(non-dynamic)4.0 and latersecurity
suspend_delivery – Prevent outbound mail deliverysendingfalse4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
syscontact – Set the SNMP SysContact option valuena(non-dynamic)4.0 and latersnmp
sysdescription – Set the SNMP SysDescription option valuena(non-dynamic)4.0 and latersnmp
syslocation – Set the SNMP SysLocation option valuena(non-dynamic)4.0 and latersnmp
tcp_buffer_size – Maximum tcp buffer size for outbound connectionssending327684.0 and latercluster, global
tcp_recv_buffer_size – Sets the TCP receive buffer size. When set to 0, the operating system automatically manages the buffer size.receiving4096 (ESMTP_Listener), 32768 (HTTP_Listener)4.0 and latercontrol_listener, eccluster_listener, ecstream_listener, esmtp_listener, http_listener, listen, xmpp_listener
tcp_send_buffer_size – Sets the TCP send buffer size. When set to 0, the operating system automatically manages the buffer size.receiving4096 (ESMTP_Listener), 32768 (HTTP_Listener)4.0 and latercontrol_listener, eccluster_listener, ecstream_listener, esmtp_listener, http_listener, listen, xmpp_listener
threadpool (scope) – Configure thread pool specific optionsna 4.0 and laterglobal
timeout – Timeout for idle control connections on Control_Listenersreceiving604.0 and latercontrol_listener
timestampformat – Set the timestamp format used when logging to stderrna[%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S]4.0 and laterglobal
tls – Determine whether to use a TLS connection for outbound mailsendingno4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
tls_allow_renegotiation – Determine whether to enable TLS renegotiationreceiving and sendingtrue4.0 and laterecstream_listener, esmtp_listener, http_listener, listen, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer, xmpp_listener
tls_ca – Specify certificate authority for outbound mailsending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
tls_certificate – Specify certificate to use for inbound and outbound mailreceiving and sending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, ecstream_listener, esmtp_listener, global, http_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer, xmpp_listener
tls_ciphers – Specify allowable ciphers for TLS inbound and outbound sessionsreceiving and sending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, ecstream_listener, esmtp_listener, global, http_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer, xmpp_listener
tlsv13_ciphersuites – Specify allowable TLSv1.3 ciphersuites for TLS inbound and outbound sessionsreceiving and sending 4.6 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, esmtp_listener, global, http_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
tls_client_ca – Specify certificate authority for inbound mailreceiving 4.0 and laterecstream_listener, esmtp_listener, global, http_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer, xmpp_listener
tls_dhparams_file – Specifies DHE parameters that add per-session randomness to the encryptionboth 4.0 and laterglobal
tls_enable_dhe_ciphers – Controls whether or not DHE ciphers are availablebothtrue4.0 and laterglobal
tls_engine – Specify the TLS library to use (OpenSSL or GNUTLS)sendingopenssl4.0 and laterglobal
tls_ifavailable_fallback – Determine the behavior if TLS negotiation failssendingtrue4.1 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
tls_key – Specify the TLS key to use for outbound mail or inbound mailreceiving and sending 4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, ecstream_listener, esmtp_listener, global, http_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer, xmpp_listener
tls_protocols – Allowable ciphers for TLS inbound and outbound sessionsreceiving and sending and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, ecstream_listener, esmtp_listener, global, http_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
tls_verified_peer_can_relay – Verification that peer can relayreceivingfalse4.0 and laterecstream_listener, esmtp_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
tls_verified_peer_is_authorized – Mark requests that use a verified SSL Client certificate as being authorizedsendingfalse4.0 and laterhttp_listener, listen, pathway, peer
tls_verify – Specify how to handle the remote presented certificatesendingno4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
tls_verify_mode – Determine whether a TLS certificates is requiredreceiving 4.0 and laterecstream_listener, esmtp_listener, http_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer, xmpp_listener
tlsa_expire_interval – How often to check for domains with expired DANE TLSA informationsending36004.8 and laterglobal
topology (scope) – Define the cluster network topology (cluster-specific)na 4.0 and latercluster
trace_smtp_mode – Set the default permissions of trace filessending0640 (non-dynamic)4.0 and laterglobal
tracking_domain – Set the tracking domain to use for engagement tracking in SMTP injectionsstringlocalhost:80804.1-HF4 (beta)esmtp_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
tracking_link_expiry – Set the expiration time, in seconds, for engagement tracking for SMTP injectionsinteger315360004.1-HF4 (beta)esmtp_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
transfail_drain_rate – Maximum number of messages to pop off the transient failure queue in a single scheduler iterationsending1004.0 and laterglobal
transform_8bitmime_content – Enable 8BITMIME downconversion when sending mailsendingifneeded (3.1.6)4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
trap_destination – Destination for SNMP trapna(non-dynamic)4.0 and latersnmp_traps
trap_interval – Frequency of SNMP trap generationna60 (non-dynamic)4.0 and latersnmp_traps
unconditional_rebind – Whether the full set_binding logic is invoked or not (cluster-specific)natrue4.0 and latercluster
unlink_on_spool_in_failure – Whether or not to remove malformed messagesreceivingtrue4.0 and laterglobal
use_iflist_cache – Whether or not to cache the list of interfaces configured by the systemsending0 (non-dynamic)4.0 and laterglobal
use_ipv6 – Affects the selection of IPv6 hosts in the SMTP clientsendingfalse4.0 and laterglobal
use_mmap – Use mmap when spooling messages from disknafalse4.0 and laterglobal
use_mta_sts – Enable MTA-STS policy fetching on a domainsendingfalse4.8 and laterglobal, domain
use_sendfile – Use sendfile() when sending mailsendingfalse4.0 and laterglobal
use_ssl – Whether or not to use SSL verificationreceivingfalse4.0 and laterecstream_listener, esmtp_listener, http_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
user – User identity to assume after startupnaecuser (non-dynamic)4.0 and latersecurity
view_balance_interval – How often DuraVIP™ views are subject to balancing (cluster-specific)na104.0 and latercluster
view_broadcast_interval – How often to speculatively broadcast a view announcement to the cluster (cluster-specific)na04.0 and latercluster
view_mature_time – How long a DuraVIP™ view needs to remain unchanged before considering it "mature" (cluster-specific)na54.0 and latercluster
warning – Set the debug levelna 4.0 and laterdebug_flags
trap_interval – Interval for watched system variables for SNMP trapsna10 (non-dynamic)4.0 and latersnmp_traps
watch_variables – SNMP traps watch variablesna(non-dynamic)4.0 and latersnmp_traps
xclient – Use the XCLIENT extension to SMTP for outbound mailsendingno4.0 and laterbinding, binding_group, domain, global
xmpp_dialback_secret – Use when verifying the XMPP server dialback key (Mobile Momentum)both 4.0 and laterdomain
xmpp_listener (scope) – The listener for incoming XMPP connections (Mobile Momentum)receiving 4.0 and laterglobal
xmpp_role – Define whether a domain is an XMPP server or client (Mobile Momentum)both 4.0 and laterdomain
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