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routes — configure message routing


Routes = ( "smtp://" )

Routes = ( "" )

Routes = ( "__mx__" )

Routes = ( "smtp://" "__mx__" )


The routes option allows you to specify how you would like mail for a given domain to be routed. If this option is specified at the global scope, all outbound connections will be made according to the route you specified, unless explicitly overridden by another routes option for a given domain.


When delivering mail via ecstream, do not use the routes option. Use the gateway option instead.

After changing the routes array and issuing the config reload command, the new configuration will not take effect until the existing domain information has reached its TTL and the domain details need to be looked up again. If you need to change the routing information immediately, use the console command refresh domain.

At the simplest level, you can implement what other MTAs call "smarthosting" by setting the route to the hostname or IP address of the local mail routing hub. You can specify more than just a single smart host using this configuration option, which allows for a much more flexible routing arrangement.

Each item listed in the routes option is added to the routing table for the domain (or globally, if the routes option is not in a domain). By default, the routes are listed in preferential order, with the first listed item being attempted before any others, unless there is an explicit preference applied to the item. If the query string doesn't specify a preference or type and there is more than one domain or IP address listed, then the first item is used exclusively unless it's unavailable, in which case the second item is used and so on.


Message throughput can be greatly reduced if a global route is set.

Each item can be either a hostname or an IP address to indicate that a given host be added to the routing options. It may also be the literal string __mx__ which expands to the default set of mail exchanges found in DNS for the domain.

A fourth option is a protocol string of the form "smtp://ip?pref=P&ttl=T&port=O&type=Y" where:

  • P is a number indicating the MX preference (lower values having higher priority).

  • T is the effective time-to-live for the entry in seconds.

  • O is the port number to use for that host. The default port is configured with the Remote_SMTP_Port configuration option. See remote_smtp_port.

  • Y is the type of lookup. The value may be mx or a.

When a new connection is opened several factors are considered when deciding which MX to connect to. Momentum never uses a higher preference MX if a lower preference MX is below its connection limit and is considered reachable. If there are several MXs of the same (lowest available) preference, Momentum attempts to open connections to all of them evenly, but when it hits a limit with a specific MX, it will stop opening connections to that MX. Momentum does not try to balance connections proportional to an MX's limit. Also, this does not guarantee that traffic will be equal through all equal preference MXs, since individual MX performance and network performance to each MX will affect how fast messages are able to go out to it. Given these caveats, load balancing can be achieved using a configuration such as the following:

Routes = ( 
           "smtp://" "smtp://"
           "smtp://" "smtp://"

The routes option is also used when the delivery_method is:

  • apn – The Apple Push Notification protocol

  • gcm – The Google Cloud Messages protocol

  • mm7 – Multimedia Messaging service protocol

Use routes specifying the protocol, the server URL, and the port. The protocol should match the delivery_method as in the following examples:

domain ""{
  delivery_method = "apn"
  routes = ("apn://")
domain "" {
  delivery_method = "gcm"
  routes = ("gcm://")


Specifying the protocol as mm7, apn and gcm is optional. Instead, you can use http.

Typically with push notifications, routes will be defined within a domain scope applicable to the Apple or Google application that is receiving the notifications. For a detailed description of configuring Momentum for push notifications see Momentum for Mobile Push Notifications.


IPv6 addresses are much more flexible than IPv4 addresses in terms of their formatting options. They also use a different delimiter character than IPv4 addresses (a colon instead of a period). This means that, in certain contexts, an IPv6 address can create parsing ambiguities.

The accepted convention is to require (in circumstances where a configuration parameter can also contain something other than an IP address) that an IPv6 address must be enclosed in square brackets. In practical terms, this means that things like the Gateway, Routes and Listen options must have IPv6 addresses enclosed in brackets. Others, such as Peer, Relay_Hosts and Prohibited_Hosts, do not require the IPv6 address in brackets.


routes is valid in the domain and global scopes.

See Also

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