Name | Description |
msys.db.execute | Execute a query that is not expected to return data |
ac:esmtp_capability_add | Add a capability to the EHLO response |
ac:esmtp_capability_remove | Remove a capability string from the EHLO response |
ac:inbound_session_count | Return the current inbound session count to this listener for the connecting IP |
msys.cloudmark.analyze | Analyze a message using Cloudmark |
msys.cloudmark.add_af_data | Pass data for use with the Cloudmark ActiveFilter. |
msys.cloudmark.score | Scan messages using Cloudmark |
msys.cloudmark.score_af | Set the Cloudmark ActiveFilter score threshold |
msys.cloudmark.set_af_mode_discard | Set the Cloudmark ActiveFilter mode to DISCARD. |
msys.cloudmark.set_af_mode_keep | Set the Cloudmark ActiveFilter mode to KEEP. |
msys.cloudmark.set_af_mode_movemsg | Set the Cloudmark ActiveFilter mode to MOVEMSG. |
msys.cloudmark.set_af_msi_address | Set the address for the Cloudmark ActiveFilter MSI Messages. |
msys.apn.apn_status_classifier | Determine whether the delivery status code represents a permanent or temporary failure |
client:do_request | Perform an HTTP request |
client:get_body | Get the body of an HTTP response |
client:get_headers | Get HTTP headers |
client:get_status | Return the status of an HTTP request |
sess:request_add_header | Add a header to an HTTP session |
sess:request_delete_header | Delete a header from an HTTP session |
sess:request_finalize | Finalize changes to an HTTP request |
sess:request_set_body | Set the body of an HTTP session |
msys.httpclnt.http_status_classifier | Determine the delivery status of the "DLV_Response_Status" variable | | Create an HTTP client |
client:parse_headers | Parse the headers of an HTTP response |
client:set_header | Set an HTTP header |
client:set_timeout | Set the timeout for an HTTP client |
c:close | Close a curl object |
c:perform | Perform the file transfer |
c:setopt | Set the option value of a curl object |
curl.escape | URL encode a string | | Create a cURL object |
curl.unescape | Unescape URL encoding in strings |
msys.core.dns_get_domain | Get a domain record |
msys.core.get_now_ts | Get the current time |
msys.core.mail_queue_delay_domain | Add a domain record to the delayed queue |
msys.core.string_new | Create an ec_string |
msg:code | Get or set the message code |
msg:get_envelope2 | Get envelope values |
msg:header | Manipulate message headers |
msg:listener_addr | Get the recv_via IP and/or PORT. |
msg:reception_peer | Get the recv_from IP and/or PORT. |
msg:context_delete | Delete a context variable |
msg:context_exists | Check if a context variable exists |
msg:context_exists_and_get | Check if a context variable exists and get it |
msg:context_get | Get a context variable |
msg:context_set | Sets a context variable |
msgpart:unlink | Remove the part (and its children) from the MIME tree |
msys.core.io_wrapper_open | Open a handle to a resource |
msys.cast | Cast an object to the specified class |
msys.config | Set or get configuration values |
msys.dnsLookup | Perform a DNS lookup |
msys.expandMacro | Expand macros (such as sieve, spf and custom_logger macros) |
msys.getClassMetaTable | Return the metatable for the named class |
msys.httpsrv.register | Register a Lua function as an HTTP endpoint |
msys.idn.to_idn | Attempts to convert the domain to the IDN format |
msys.idn.to_utf8 | Converts an IDN formatted string to unicode |
msys.lock | The current running OS level thread obtains a lock on the named mutex |
msys.parseRFC2822Addresses | Parse the address string per the address parsing rules defined in RFC2822 |
msys.readfile | Read the entire contents of the specified file or URI |
msys.registerAuth | Register an authentication/authorization scheme that can be used for SMTP or control channel authentication |
msys.registerControl | Register a command with the control channel subsystem |
msys.registerModule | Register a Lua module with the system. |
msys.runInInst | Run a function in a specific event loop |
msys.runInPool | Run a function in a separate threadpool |
msys.sleep | When called in the scheduler thread, suspend the current session for the specified duration |
msys.snmpTrap | Issue an SNMP trap |
msys.type | Return the type name of the supplied parameter |
msys.unlock | Release a lock obtained via msys.lock |
session:request_url_get | Get the request URL |
session:response_status_set_std | Set the HTTP status for the session response |
json.decode | Create a JSON object from a JSON string |
json.encode | Convert a Lua variable or an expression for use with a JSON object | | Create an empty JSON object |
json.strerror | Return the description of a JSON error code |
msg.batch_id | Return the human-readable ec_message.batch_id |
msg.conn_id | Return the human-readable ec_message.conn_id | | Return the human-readable |
msg:address_header | Returns address components as an array |
msg:binding | Set or get the message binding |
msg:binding_group | Sets the binding_group to the named binding, if one is provided. |
msg:body | Set the message body (minus headers) if provided |
msg:body_match | Streaming interface to a PCRE search of a message body (minus headers) |
msg:body_replace | Streaming interface to a PCRE replacement of a message body (minus headers) |
msg:build | Create a message |
msg:discard | Silently discard a message |
msg:forward | Forward the current message to recipients other than the original recipients |
msg:get_delivery_method | Return the delivery method for a message |
msg:get_message_size | Return the size of a message |
msg:inject | Use this function to send mail |
msg:is_mcmt | Determine whether a message is a MCMT message |
msg:mailfrom | Sets the 'MAIL FROM' email address if one is provided |
msg:makeBoundary | Generates a unique boundary string |
msg:makeContainer | Creates a new, unlinked, container message part |
msg:makePart | Creates a new, unlinked, singleton (or leaf) message part |
msg:mime | Returns the top of the MIME tree for the message, a message part |
msg:raw | Set or returns the message content and the message length |
msg:raw_match | Streaming interface to a PCRE search of the message content |
msg:raw_replace | Streaming interface to a PCRE replacement of message content |
msg:rcptto | Sets the 'RCPT TO' email address if one is provided |
msg:routing_domain | Set or return the routing domain for a message |
msg:text | Return the transfer decoded text for the body |
msg:text | Replace the entire message body |
msg:text_match | Streaming PCRE search across the transfer-decoded, UTF-8 text version of the message body |
msg:text_replace | Streaming interface to a PCRE replacement of textual content from the message body |
msgpart:addFirstChild | Adds a child as the first child on this part |
msgpart:addLastChild | Adds a child as the last child on this part |
msgpart:address_header | Parse each instance of the named header for RFC2822 addresses |
msgpart:body_match | Streaming interface to a PCRE search of a message body part (minus headers) |
msgpart:body_replace | Streaming interface to a PCRE replacement of a message body part (minus headers) |
msgpart:content_type | Returns a table of content type related information |
msgpart:header | Return an array of header values for the given name |
msgpart:header | Unset the header name of the current message part |
msgpart:header | If mode is replace (or unspecified): first deletes all other headers of that name before appending the new value to the message headers |
msgpart:insertAfter | Insert this part into the MIME tree after the given parameter |
msgpart:insertBefore | Insert this part into the MIME tree before the given parameter |
msgpart:raw_match | Streaming interface to a PCRE search of the current message part |
msgpart:raw_replace | Streaming interface to a PCRE replacement message part content |
msgpart:text | The entire message body part is replaced by the supplied text |
msgpart:text | Returns the transfer decoded text for the message part, in UTF-8 |
msgpart:text_match | Streaming a PCRE search across the transfer decoded UTF-8 text version of the message body part |
msgpart:text_replace | Streaming interface to a PCRE replacement of textual content from the message body parts |
msys.asyncOk | Check if the current execution environment is suitable for suspend/resume operations |
msys.audit.connections | Return the number of connections that have occurred for a CIDR block within a configured time window |
msys.audit.inbound_session_count | Count connections currently established from the specified cidr to the specified service |
msys.audit.receptions | Return the number of receptions that have occurred for a CIDR block within a configured time window |
msys.audit.rejections | Return the number of rejections that have occurred for a CIDR block within a configured time window |
msys.audit_series.add | Adjust the counter for the current time window of a named series |
msys.audit_series.count | Return the total associated with the named series |
msys.audit_series.define | Define an audit series |
msys.audit_series.remove_item | Remove a counter from a named series |
msys.av.engines | Return a list of configured engine names in a table |
msys.av.scan | Perform a virus scan using the named engine |
msys.av.scan_part | Perform a virus scan on a specific message part using the named engine |
msys.base64.decode | Decode a base64 encoded string |
msys.base64.encode | Base64-encode a string |
msys.bounce.classify | Create a bounce classification for a message |
msys.bounce.classify_smtp_response | Create a bounce classification from SMTP response text and the domain name |
msys.brightmail.scan | Use Brightmail to scan messages |
msys.cidr.define | Define a named CIDR object |
msys.cidr.query | Look up address against the named CIDR |
msys.cidr.reload | Refresh CIDRs of type datasource and rbldnsd |
msys.commtouch.diagnose | Scan messages using Commtouch |
msys.counter.add | Add to the current value of the specified counter | | Increment a counter | | Create a counter object | | Read the specified counter |
msys.counter.reset | Reset a counter |
msys.counter.unlink | Unlink a counter |
msys.db.fetch_row | If successful, return the first row of the query result as a table |
msys.db.query | Query a datasource | | Get the current message from the session context |
msys.dumper.Dumper | Dump information about an object |
msys.expurgate.scan | Scan using the Eleven antivirus engine |
msys.gauge_cache.dec | Decrement the value associated with keystring in the named cache |
msys.gauge_cache.define | Create a cache that can be used to maintain a set of counters |
msys.gauge_cache.get | Look up the value associated with keystring in the named cache | | Increment the value associated with keystring in the named cache |
msys.gauge_cache.remove_item | Remove the value associated with keystring from the named cache |
msys.gcm.gcm_classify_error | Determine the delivery status of the "DLV_Response_Status" variable |
msys.gcm.gcm_get_result_error_code | Get the error code from the response results error |
msys.pcre.match | Perform a PCRE regex match operation |
msys.pcre.replace | Perform a PCRE replace operation |
msys.pcre.split | Perform a PCRE split operation |
msys.os.statvfs_read | Request a snapshot of the stream |
msys.os.statvfs_subscribe | Provide a "stream" for file system statistics (statvfs) updates |
msys.qp.decode | Decode a quoted-printable message |
msys.qp.encode | Quoted-printable encode a string |
msys.rfc3464.compute_delivery_status | Generate RFC3464 compliant delivery status headers |
msys.rfc3464.compute_delivery_status_string | Generate RFC3464 compliant delivery status headers |
msys.rfc3464.create_mdn | Generate an MDN from a message |
msys.rfc3464.extract_delivery_status | Return a table of parsed email headers |
msys.rfc3464.send_mdn | Generate and enqueue an MDN |
msys.symantec_beik.scan | Scan using BEIK |
msys.threadpool.count | Return the current number of thread pools |
msys.threadpool.find | Find a thread pool name from a job class ID or a job class ID from a thread pool name |
msys.threadpool.stat | Return stats regarding a threadpool |
msys.timer.after | execute closure after a given time | | execute closure at a given time |
msys.timer.every | execute closure every interval |
msys.tls_params.set | Set a tls parameter string on a per connection basis | | Return the domain responsible for the current message | | Sign a message using a Domain Key |
msys.validate.opendkim.get_num_sigs | Return the number of DKIM signatures |
msys.validate.opendkim.get_sig | Get a signature from a DKIM object |
msys.validate.opendkim.get_sig_canons | Fetch the canonicalizers used for a signature |
msys.validate.opendkim.get_sig_domain | Fetch the signing domain from a DKIM_SIGINFO object |
msys.validate.opendkim.get_sig_errorstr | Fetch the error associated with a DKIM signature |
msys.validate.opendkim.get_sig_flags | Fetch the flags associated with a DKIM signature |
msys.validate.opendkim.get_sig_hdrsigned | Determine whether a given header was signed |
msys.validate.opendkim.get_sig_identity | Fetch the identity associated with a DKIM signature |
msys.validate.opendkim.get_sig_keysize | Fetch the size of the key used to generate a signature |
msys.validate.opendkim.get_sig_selector | Fetch the selector associated with a DKIM signature |
msys.validate.opendkim.get_sig_signalg | Return the signing algorithm as a string |
msys.validate.opendkim.sign | Sign a message using OpenDKIM |
msys.validate.opendkim.verify | Verify a DKIM signature |
thread.mutex | create a new mutex |
vctx:add_recipient | Add an address to the recipient list for the inbound session |
vctx:disconnect | Disconnect the session associated with the current validation context |
vctx:get | Get the value of a context variable |
vctx:recipient_list | Return or set the current recipient list |
vctx:remove_recipient | Remove an address from the recipient list |
vctx:set | Set the value of a context variable |
vctx:set_code | Set the inbound disposition and response message |
vctx:tarpit | Issue a time cost on the inbound session |
doc:root | Return the root node of an XML document |
doc:tostring | Output a DOM document as a string |
doc:xpath | Perform an XPath query |
node:addchild | Add a child node |
node:attribute | Set or get the attribute of a node |
node:children | Return an iterator of all child nodes |
node:contents | Get or set a text node |
node:doc | Return the document object that contains the specified node |
node:name | Return the name of a node |
node:tostring | Output a node as a string |
node:unlink | Unlink an XML node from its DOM container |
xml.parsexml | Create an XML document object |
This section details all Lua functions. Functions are ordered alphabetically by name.
Many Lua functions act as wrappers for C code which means that the calling code needs to take steps to ensure safety. When calling a C API, make sure that all the arguments are valid as an unexpected nil
may crash the system or have other undesirable results. Additionally, the data structures returned from C APIs are often shared between C and Lua. The most important consequence of this is that arrays coming from C APIs must only be accessed with existing indices, as opposed to Lua which simply returns nil
on out-of-bounds access. Failure to do this on a Lua table connected to a C array will cause the system to fail.
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