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Last updated November 2024


msys.validate.openarc.sign — builds and adds the ARC set headers into an email.

msys.validate.openarc.seal - synonym of msys.validation.openarc.sign.


msys.validate.openarc.sign(msg, options, ar)

msys.validate.openarc.seal(msg, options, ar)

msg: userdata, ec_message type
options: table
ar: string, optional. It's the message's authentication assessment to be copied as-is into the AAR header.


This function acquires ARC chain status (i.e. cv) from ec_message context variable arc_cv. The cv will be used in the AS (ARC-Seal) header, and combined with authentication assessments from other methods (e.g. SPF, DKIM, etc) defined by the ar and put into the AAR (ARC-Authentication-Results) header. This function signs and seals the message by adding the AMS (ARC-Message-Signature) and AS (ARC-Seal) headers, using the signing mechanism defined in the options table.

If ec_message context variable arc_cv is not set when the function is called, the function will do an internal ARC validation (to set the arc_cv), followed by the regular cv based signing.

This function requires the openarc module.

Enable this function with the statement require('msys.validate.openarc').

This function takes the following parameters:

  • msg - mail message to sign

  • options - table defines the options for signature generation/signing:

    • signing_domain – signing domain

    • selector – signing selector

    • authservid – authentication service identifier, as authserv-id defined in RFC.

      If not set, will be defaulted to the hostname.

    • header_canon – header canonicalization setting.

      Supported values are relaxed, simple. Defaults to relaxed.

    • body_canon – body canonicalization setting

      Supported values are relaxed, simple. Defaults to relaxed.

    • digest – signing algorithm digest setting.

      Supported values are rsa-sha1 and rsa-sha256. Defaults to rsa-sha256.

    • keyfile – signing key file

    • keybuf – signing key

      Must contain the PEM encoded private key to use for signing the message. This must be a contiguous string, with no line breaks and no white spaces, without the BEGIN and END tags that are found in the key file itself. The format is similar to the format used for OpenDKIM signing.

      If not defined, will be built from the keyfile.

    • headerlist – colon-separated list of headers to sign

    • oversign_headerlist – colon-separated list of headers for over signing

    • skip_ar_header_update – if set, no update to the AR (Authentication-Results) header.

      If not set, Momentum will append the ARC verification result (e.g. arc=pass) to the existing AR header or create one if it does not exist.

  • ar - authentication assessment to be copied as-is into the AAR (ARC-Authentication-Results) header.

    If not provided, Momentum will take the value from the existing Authentication-Results header. Momentum appends this value with the ARC verification result (e.g. arc=pass) and uses it to build the AAR header.


Since ARC sealing must not happen until all potential modification of a message is done, if you already have implementations in some other validation phases/hooks, this function should be invoked in the post_final_validation stage to guarantee that it is called after all the other hook implementations.

The function would cause the ec_message context variable arc_seal to be set:

ok: ARC signing/sealing is done, and ARC set headers are added.

skip: ARC signing/sealing is skipped, because the ARC chain already fails before reaching the current MTA.

If the context variable arc_seal of the ec_message is not set, it indicates an unexpected ARC signing/sealing failure, e.g. due to mis-configuration. The error reason is logged in paniclog.


local mod = {};

function mod:core_post_final_validation(msg, accept, vctx)
  local sealer = {}
  sealer.signing_domain = ""
  sealer.selector = "dkim-s1024"
  sealer.keyfile = "path-to-keyfile"
  sealer.headerlist = "From:Subject:Date:To:MIME-Version:Content-Type"
  sealer.oversign_headerlist = "From:To:Subject"

  msys.validate.openarc.sign(msg, sealer)

  -- check sign/seal result
  local ok = msg:context_get(msys.core.ECMESS_CTX_MESS, "arc_seal")
  if ok == nil or ok == '' then
    print("ARC seal failed. No ARC set add! Check paniclog for reasons.")
  elseif ok == "skip" then
    print("ARC seal skipped. No ARC set add: ARC chain failed before reaching me.")
    print("ARC seal ok. ARC set added!")

msys.registerModule("openarc_sign", mod);

See Also

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