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Last updated March 2020


msys.db.fetch_row — If successful, return the first row of the query result as a table


msys.db.fetch_row(cachename, query, queryparams, options);

cachename: string
query: string
queryparams: table, optional
options: table, optional


Issue a query to a datasource.

Enable this function with the statement require('msys.db'); and also include the statement require('msys.datasource');.

The parameters are as follows:

  • cachename – Name of the datasource cache to be queried

  • query – Query to be presented to the cache

    The query may use placeholder characters in the form :name, ?, or $name depending on the underlying driver. If the ? placeholder is used, then queryparams must be a table with numeric keys, with index 1 corresponding to the first ? in the query string. Otherwise, the keys must be string keys with names that match up to the defined parameters. For instance, $name or :name expect to find a parameter in the table using the key name; the leading $ or : is removed before looking up the value.

  • queryparams – Lua table object with parameters to bind into the query


    The SQL standard requires the use of the "IS [NOT] NULL" syntax in a predicate for matching against NULL. A predicate "field_name = ?" would result in an error if a query parameter is NULL. A Lua nil is equivalent to an SQL NULL.

  • options – Lua table object containing additional options that affect this query

    If options is specified, it must be a table. The following options are permitted:

    • nocache – Boolean value. If set to true, bypass the cache and force the query to be presented to the underlying datasource.

    • raise_error – Boolean value. If set to true, raise an exception (lua_error) on error containing the error string. Default value is true.

This function returns the following:

  • If query succeeds – Returns the first row of the query results as a table.

  • If the query returns no data – Returns nil.

  • If the query fails and raise_error is set to false – Returns nil indicating query failure and errmsg indicating what failed.

  • If the query fails and raise_error is set to true – Raises an exception.

The following is an example:

  r, e = msys.db.fetch_row (cache, query, nil, { raise_error = false });
  if (r ~= nil) then
    for k, v in pairs(r) do
      print(k, v);
  elseif (e ~= nil) then
    print "Query failed";
    print "No match";


The data cache used in the preceding example must be defined in your configuration file. For more information, see “ds_core - Datasource Query Core”.

See Also

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