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Last updated March 2020


msys.audit_series.define — Define an audit series


msys.audit_series.define(name, type, interval, num_windows, options);

name: string
type: string
interval: number
num_windows: number
options: table, optional


Defines an audit series. interval is the period over which data will be gathered, in seconds, and num_windows specifies the number of equally sized buckets into which the information will be distributed. The total time period covered is num_windows times interval; each bucket is interval seconds long. The buckets are numbered with 0 representing the current time window, 1 representing the prior time window and so on.


An audit series is always either IPv4 or IPv6. If you want a policy that relates to both address formats, you must define a separate series for each type.

Values for the type parameter are as follows:

  • cidr defines an IPv4 CIDR based audit series

  • cidr_ipv6 defines an IPv6 CIDR based audit series

  • string defines a string based audit series.

options is a table with the following possible keys:

  • serialize write audit series to log. The value may be true or false; false is the default. When true, the log will be written to the directory defined by the serialize_dir option in the inbound_audit module. The default value for this option is /var/log/ecelerity/audit_series_logs.

  • replicate affects replication. Defaults to none, but can be cluster to send to all nodes, or manager to send only to cluster manager nodes. This may require explicit configuration in the cluster stanza to operate correctly .


    When using the msys.audit_series.define function on a singlenode installation, do not set replicate to cluster. If you do this the audit series will not increment.

  • persist if true, the audit series will be persisted. The persisted series will be reloaded when the engine restarts. The default value is false. The location of this file is determined by the serialize_dir option of the inbound_audit module. Its default value is /var/log/ecelerity/audit_series_persist.

This function is intended to be used from a module init function, for example:


local mod = {}

function mod:init()
  msys.audit_series.define("myseries", "cidr", 300, 6);
  return true;

function mod:validate_data(msg, accept, vctx)
  msys.audit_series.add(myseries, accept)
  return msys.core.VALIDATE_CONT

msys.registerModule("mymodule", mod);

The series can be queried using the msys.audit_series.count function.

Enable this function with the statement require('msys.audit_series');.

IPv6 Support

This feature supports IPv6.

IPv6 addresses are much more flexible than IPv4 addresses in terms of their formatting options. They also use a different delimiter character than IPv4 addresses (a colon instead of a period). This means that in certain contexts, an IPv6 address can create parsing ambiguities.

The accepted convention is to require that, in circumstances where a configuration parameter can also contain something other than an IP address, that an IPv6 address must be enclosed in square brackets. In practical terms, this means that things like the gateway, routes and listen options must have IPv6 addresses enclosed in brackets. Others, such as peer, relay_hosts and prohibited_hosts do not require the IPv6 address in brackets.

See Also

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