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This table lists all Sieve functions alphabetically giving a brief description. Click the function name to see detailed information.

add_recipientAdd a new envelope recipient to the mailmiscreceivingdata, mailfrom, rcptto, spool
addressReturn the address from a headermiscbothdata, each_rcpt, mailfrom, rcptto, set_binding
advertize_esmtp_capabilityAdd a string to the EHLO responsemiscreceivingconnect, ehlo
audit_connections_on_listenerReturn the number of connections currently established from a CIDR blockcidrreceivingany
audit_connections_on_serviceReturn the number of connections currently established from a CIDR blockcidrreceivingany
audit_seriesReturn the audit series count associated with an IP address or CIDR block over a window rangecidrreceivingany
audit_series_addAdd to a named audit seriescidrreceivingany
audit_serviceReturn how many connections currently are established from a CIDR block to an arbitrary servicecidrreceivingany
beik_scanAnalyze a message using BEIKavreceivingdata
brightmailScan using Brightmailavreceivingdata
cidrdbCheck the CIDR information pathway specified by the first argumentcidrreceivingany
antivirusScan with Clamavavreceivingdata
cloudmark_scoreAnalyze a message with Cloudmark Authorityavbothdata
commtouch_scanScan using the commtouch moduleavreceivingdata
antivirusScan with the csapi antivirus engineavreceivingdata
cidrdbCreate the pathway for CIDR informationcidrreceivingeach_rcpt
disable_esmtp_capabilityRemove a string from the EHLO responsemiscreceivingconnect, ehlo
discardSilently throw away a messagemiscreceivingdata, each_rcpt, rcptto, spool
disclaimer_addAdd a disclaimer to an emailmiscreceivingdata, each_rcpt, spool
ds_executeExecute a query on a datasourcedsnaany
ds_fetchQuery and fetch a row from a datasourcedsnaany
ds_fetch_flatQuery and fetch all rows from a datasourcedsnaany
ds_fetch_hashQuery and fetch a row from a datasourcedsnaany
ec_actionSet SMTP status codemiscreceivingany
ec_addAdd two numbersmathnaany
ec_base64_decodeDecode base64 encoded textmiscnaany
ec_base64_encodeEncode text as base64miscnaany
ec_bounce_classifyPerform bounce classification on the messagebouncereceivingdata, each_rcpt, set_binding, spool
ec_ceilRound up to the nearest integermathnaany
ec_cluster_cache_getRetrieve a value from a cluster-wide replicated cachecidrbothaccept, connect, data, ehlo, mailfrom, rcptto
ec_cluster_cache_setSet a value in a cluster-wide replicated cachecidrbothaccept, connect, data, ehlo, mailfrom, rcptto
ec_configGet Momentum configuration from Sievemiscnaany
discardSilently throw away a message (alias for discard)miscreceivingdata, each_rcpt, rcptto, spool
ec_disconnectSet SMTP status and close the SMTP connectionmiscreceivingany
ec_divDivide two numbersmathnaany
ec_dk_responsible_domainReturn the domain responsible for the current messagedksendingdata, each_rcpt, set_binding, spool
ec_dk_signSign a message with the DomainKeys protocoldksendingcore_final_validation
ec_dkim_domainsReturn a list of valid signing domainsdkimsendingdata, each_rcpt, set_binding, spool
ec_dkim_responsible_domainReturn the domain responsible for the current messagedkimsendingdata, each_rcpt, set_binding, spool
ec_dkim_signSign a message with the DKIM protocoldkimsendingcore_final_validation
ec_dns_lookupPerform a DNS record lookupmiscbothany
ec_error_modeSet the error mode to "fail" or "continue"miscnaany
splitExplode a string into a stringlist, a synonym for splitstringnaany
ec_floorRound down to the nearest integermathnaany
ec_forwardForward a messagemiscbothdata, each_rcpt, set_binding, spool
ec_gauge_cacheCreate the given key in a given cache and decrement itmiscnaany
ec_gauge_cacheReturn the value of the specified keymiscnaany
ec_gauge_cacheCreate the given key in a given cache and increment itmiscnaany
ec_gauge_cacheCreate a cache with the given max number of elementsmiscnaany
ec_get_message_codeReturn the current SMTP status code for a messagemiscbothdata, each_rcpt, rcptto, set_binding, spool
ec_get_message_creation_timeReturn the creation_time of the current messagemiscbothdata, each_rcpt, rcptto, set_binding, spool
ec_get_message_idReturn the message's unique IDmiscbothdata, each_rcpt, rcptto, set_binding, spool
ec_get_message_mailfromReturn the mailfrom of the current messagemiscbothdata, each_rcpt, rcptto, set_binding, spool
ec_get_message_num_retriesReturn the num_retries of the current messagemiscsendingdata, each_rcpt, rcptto, set_binding, spool
ec_get_message_protocolReturn the protocol of the current messagemiscbothdata, each_rcpt, rcptto, set_binding, spool
ec_get_message_rcpttoReturn the rcptto of the current messagemiscbothdata, each_rcpt, rcptto, set_binding, spool
ec_get_message_received_fromReturn the IP address that the message was received frommiscbothdata, each_rcpt, rcptto, set_binding, spool
ec_get_message_received_from_portReturn the port that the message was received frommiscbothdata, each_rcpt, rcptto, set_binding, spool
ec_get_message_received_viaReturn the IP address that the message was received viamiscreceivingdata, each_rcpt, rcptto, set_binding, spool
ec_get_message_received_via_portReturn the local port that the message was received onmiscbothdata, each_rcpt, rcptto, set_binding, spool
ec_get_message_sizeReturn the size of the current message in bytesmiscbothdata, each_rcpt, rcptto, set_binding, spool
ec_get_message_spool_nameReturn the filename of the message spoolmiscbothdata, each_rcpt, rcptto, set_binding, spool
ec_header_addPrepend a header to the current messagemiscbothdata, each_rcpt, spool
ec_header_deleteRemove a header from the current messagemiscbothdata, each_rcpt, set_binding, spool
ec_header_getObtain the values for a particular headermiscbothdata, each_rcpt, set_binding, spool
ec_header_postfixAppend to a header of the current messagemiscbothdata, each_rcpt, spool
ec_header_prefixPrepend to a header of the current messagemiscbothdata, each_rcpt, spool
ec_host_fingerprintReturn genre and detail of the passive host fingerprinting operationmiscreceivingany
ec_inc_counterIncrement a Sieve countermiscnaany
ec_includeInclude and run a Sieve scriptmetanaany
ec_interfacesObtain a list of network interfacesresourcenaany
ec_ip_connectionsAudit how many connections an IP address has madeauditreceivingany
ec_ip_connections_clusterAudit how many connections an IP address has made cluster-wideauditreceivingany
ec_ip_receptionsAudit how many receivings an IP address has madeauditreceivingany
ec_ip_receptions_clusterAudit how many receivings an IP address has made cluster-wideauditreceivingany
ec_ip_rejectionsAudit how many rejections an IP address has madeauditreceivingany
ec_ip_rejections_clusterAudit how many rejections an IP address has made cluster-wideauditreceivingany
keepKeep the current message, a synonym for keepmiscreceivingany
ec_logLog to the paniclogmiscnaany
ec_log_fileLog to a file/io wrapperlognaeach_rcpt, set_binding, spool
ec_maildirWrite the current message into a maildir mailboxmiscreceivingeach_rcpt
ec_mem_usageReturn the amount of memory used by Momentumresourcenaany
ec_mime_boundary_createReturn a string to be used as a boundary when creating a MIME messagestringsendingany
ec_mime_partsTest against metadata for each MIME part in a messagemiscbothdata, each_rcpt, set_binding, spool
ec_modCalculate the modulus of two numbersmathnaany
ec_mulPerform multiplication of two numbersmathnaany
ec_nearbyintRound to the nearest integer based on rounding directionmathnaany
ec_pcre_matchPerform a regular expression matchpcrenaany
ec_randGenerate a random number no larger than max or a random string from a listmathnaany
redirectChange the envelope recipient, a synonym for redirectmiscbothdata, each_rcpt, rcptto, spool
rejectReject the message, returning an MDN to the sender, a synonym for rejectmiscreceivingany
ec_rewrite_mailfromChange the envelope sendermiscbothdata, each_rcpt, rcptto, spool
ec_rfc2047_encode_addressesCreate an RFC2047-compliant addressrfcsendingdata, each_rcpt, spool
ec_rfc2047_encode_headerEncode a string for use in a RFC2047-compliant headerrfcsendingany
ec_rfc3464_delivery_statusReturn a string containing fields for a RFC3464 DSNrfcsendingdata, each_rcpt, set_binding, spool
ec_roundRound away from zeromathnaany
ec_set_bindingAssign a message to a MultiVIP© bindingvirtualbothset_binding
ec_set_bindingAssign a message to a MultiVIP© binding groupvirtualbothset_binding
ec_set_routing_gatewayDynamically change the gateway based on recipientmiscsendingeach_rcpt
ec_shared_throttleCheck to see if the specified throttle currently exceeds its quotashapingbothany
ec_shared_throttleCreate a shared throttleshapingbothany
ec_shared_throttleIndicate to the specified throttle that it has received a message to be countedshapingbothany
ec_shared_throttleIncrement the named throttle, and tarpit for a length of timeshapingbothany
ec_spool_spaceReturn information about the free space on the spool partitionresourcenaany
ec_subPerform subtraction of two numbersmathnaany
ec_tarpitImpose a time penaltyshapingreceivingany
ec_testFunction for using comparatorsmiscnaany
ec_thread_pool_get_queue_sizeGet the number of jobs queued against a job classresourcebothany
ec_throttleIndicate to the specified throttle that it should remove a message from being countedshapingbothany
ec_throttleCreate a throttle of the specified nameshapingbothany
ec_throttleIndicate to the specified throttle that it should remove a message from being countedshapingbothany
ec_throttleIndicate to the specified throttle that it has received a message to be countedshapingbothany
ec_throttleWait for the specified length of timeshapingbothany
ec_tolowerChange all characters to lower casestringnaany
ec_trace_contextAdd X-Trace-Context header to the current messagemiscbothdata, each_rcpt, spool
ec_truncRound toward zeromathnaany
ec_url_ripperExtract domains and urls for lookup in DNSBLmiscreceivingdata
ec_valid_bindingCheck whether a named MultiVIP© binding existsvirtualbothany
ec_valid_bindingCheck whether a named MultiVIP© binding group existsvirtualbothany
ec_valid_mimeDetermine if the message is valid MIMEmiscbothdata, each_rcpt, set_binding, spool
eleven_scanScan with elevenavreceivingdata
envelopeReturn the envelope sender or recipientmiscbothany
antivirusScan with F-Secureavreceivingdata
generate_mail_rawGenerate and send out a messagemiscsendingany
hash_createCreate a hashhashnaany
hash_dumpDump the contents of a hash to the panic loghashnaany
hash_getGet the value associated with the specified keyhashnaany
hash_keysReturn all the keys of a hash as a string listhashnaany
hash_setSet an element in a hashhashnaany
hash_valuesReturn all the string values of a hash as a string listhashnaany
is_trueProvides a simple logical test on the value of a variablemiscnaany
joinJoin stringlist elements into a single stringstringnaany
keepKeep the current messagemiscreceivingany
pe2_mark_bouncedLog bounce events when the pe2_logger module is loaded passivelylogreceivingdata
pe2_mark_unsubscribedLog unsubscribe events when the pe2_logger module is loaded passivelylogreceivingdata
qp_encodeQuoted-printable encode a stringstringbothany
cidrdbObtain data associated with the CIDR information pathwaycidrreceivingany
redirectChange the envelope recipientmiscbothdata, each_rcpt, rcptto, spool
rejectReject the message, returning an MDN to the senderbouncereceivingany
cidrdbReload the information from the pathway specified by the argumentcidrreceivingany
reverseReverse a string or a stringliststringnaany
reverse_delimReverse a string based on a delimiterstringnaany
smtp_callback_verifyPerform SMTP callback on an email addressmiscreceivingmailfrom, rcptto
snmp_trapSend SNMP traps from a Sieve scriptsnmpnaany
splitSplit a string into a stringliststringnaany
stopStop processing the current scriptcontrolnaany
thread_pool_statsObtain information about thread poolsresourcenaany
typeTest the type of the value in a Sieve variablemiscnaany
vctx_conn_deleteDelete a key from the connection contextvctxbothany
vctx_conn_getObtain the value of a connection context keyvctxbothany
vctx_conn_setSet a value in the connection contextvctxbothany
vctx_mess_deleteDelete a key from the message contextvctxbothany
vctx_mess_getObtain the value of a message context keyvctxbothany
vctx_mess_setSet a value in the message contextvctxbothany
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