Navigation change Last updated February 2020
As of September 20th, the SparkPost navigation was reorganized to make the app easier to use. The table below contains the old and new versions of the navigation.
Old Navigation New Navigation Dashboard Reports Summary Bounce Rejections Accepted Delayed Engagement Events Search Signals Health Score Spam Traps Engagement Recency Templates A/B Testing Lists Recipient Lists Suppressions Recipient Validation Webhooks Settings API Keys Subaccounts SMTP Settings Sending Domains Tracking Domains IP Pools Alerts
Snippets Dashboard Signals Analytics Summary Bounce Rejections Accepted Delayed
Health Score Spam Traps
Engagement Recency Engagement Events Content Templates A/B Testing Snippets Recipients Recipient Validation Recipient Lists Suppressions Alerts Configuration Webhooks IP Pools API Keys SMTP Settings
Sending Domains Tracking Domains
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