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Frequently Asked Questions is Not Returning My Emails

February 2020

If you have received an email from abuse sparkpost com and sent your reply but never heard back it could be because the email wasn't received for some reason This can sometimes happen if there is a problem with your IP reputation or if perhaps there are bad links in...

How Do I Access the REST APIs?

February 2020

Q What URL do I use to access the REST AP Is A The REST AP Is can be accessed at https api sparkpost com api v 1 so for example the Transmissions API can be accessed by POS Ting to https api sparkpost com api v 1 transmissions you'll...

Can I add a dedicated IP to my existing Paid plan?

February 2020

The older paid plans no longer offer the ability to add dedicated IPs to your account.

After Receiving a 250 OK, Why Are Messages Being Rejected?

February 2020

Q I receive a 250 OK when injecting into the system through SMTP but the message shows up as rejected in the reports Why is my message being rejected A The 250 OK response indicates that the connection was properly authenticated and that the message was accepted by Spark Post...

Are you sending emails as Encrypted messages?

June 2021

SparkPost supports Transport Layer Security(TLS). TLS is a cryptographic protocol that provides security on the Internet and lets you encrypt emails during transit. All incoming API calls to SparkPost use HTTPS and are SSL/TLS encrypted. SparkPost also offers TLS support for incoming SMTP traffic if the user chooses to enable it.

Can I send from any domain?

February 2020

Domain Ownership And Control You can send mail through Spark Post from any domain that you or your customers control By verifying your sending domains with Spark Post you're letting us know that you control them and that you authorize delivery from those domains The SPF and DKIM domain verification...

Can I switch back to an old plan?

February 2020

When you switch to a new plan (either upgrade or downgrade), you won't be able to later switch back to an old plan that we no longer offer.