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This feature was deprecated in version 4.3.1.


ecconfigd — Momentum Configuration Server


/opt/msys/ecelerity/sbin/ecconfigd [ --log-level {level} ] --debug


ecconfigd is the Momentum Configuration Server. Configuration files are maintained in a version control repository and exported via this service. The user for this service is ecuser. The associated password is created during installation.

The service consists of two processes. In a cluster configuration, one process participates in the messaging bus to maintain membership, and the other process, active in both cluster and stand-alone configurations, is an Apache-based Subversion server listening on port 2027. Together these processes manage the configuration repositories for the clusters on the network or for a single-node system. Momentum's version control management tool is eccfg. It is used to track and update configuration file changes.

ecconfigd always uses SSL. The self-signed certificate created during installation is valid for a year. To renew this certificate, use the create_ssl_cert command.

When ecconfigd is started using the script in the /etc/init.d directory, if the service doesn't start immediately, it will try for up to a minute to connect. This occurs only if there is a cluster.boot file in the /opt/msys/ecelerity/etc directory.

Use ecconfigd_ctl to start, stop, or restart this server.


It is advisable to restart ecconfigd after making extensive changes to msgc_server.conf, such as adding multiple nodes. Use the command /etc/init.d/ecconfigd restart .

No additional arguments are required for normal operation. However, the EXTRA_ARGS environment variable may be used to control how ecconfigd is started. If this variable is set, its contents will be passed as additional arguments to ecconfigd. The following arguments may be specified as part of EXTRA_ARGS:


Run in the foreground and set the log level to 7.

--log-level *`level`*

Set the log file verbosity. The log level is a number from 0 to 7, where higher numbers result in more information. The default log level is 4, which logs warnings and errors.

See Also

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