The MCMT Format
Modules and subsystems wanting to obtain and process the optional parts of an MCMT message must use the message resources API which is under the ec_message_rsrc
namespace. (See “MCMT message flow” for a simplified control flow of MCMT.)
A MCMT message is a MIME message laid out as follows:
Content-Type: multipart/vnd.msys.mcmt; boundary=MCMT_BOUNDARY --MCMT_BOUNDARY Content-Type: message/rfc822 From: Subject: this is the email Content-Type: text/plain Notice how the complete email message is the *body* of the message/rfc822 portion of this MIME payload --MCMT_BOUNDARY Content-Type: message/vnd.msys.smpp This is the message that will be sent out over SMPP. --MCMT_BOUNDARY Content-Type: message/vnd.msys.mm7 <This is the MM7 payload> --MCMT_BOUNDARY--
In the context of Mobile Momentum, MCMT is a multi-part MIME format with the following capabilities:
It enables content authors to create messages containing separate sections for email, SMS, and MM7 recipients.
It is extensible to other formats.
It is injectable via email
An example of the injection format for Mobile Momentum follows:
From: Someone <> To: 12345678790 <> Date: Fri, 01 Oct 2010 09:41:09 -0800 (PST) Subject: Sample MCMT message MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/vnd.msys.mcmt; boundary=boundaryMCMT --boundaryMCMT Content-Type: message/rfc822 (email part is here) --boundaryMCMT Content-Type: multipart/vnd.msys.mm7; Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary=boundaryMM7; type="text/xml"; » start="<soap_envelope>" X-Transaction-Id: soap_transaction_id_used_for_logging_purpose_only --boundaryMM7 Content-Type: text/xml Content-ID: <soap_envelope> (mm7 soap envelope is here) --boundaryMM7 Content-Type: multipart/related Content-ID: <soap_attachment> (mm7 mime payload is here) --boundaryMM7-- --boundaryMCMT Content-Type: message/vnd.msys.smpp short message text body --boundaryMCMT--
The content section definitions follow. Each definition describes the Content-Type header, section/type dependent headers, and body/payload parts.
Email Part
– the remainder of the email part contains the email rendering of the MCMT message. The Content-Type header is:Content-Type: message/rfc822
SMS Part
– SMS Part The body of SMS section of the MCMT is the short message. The Content-Type header is:Content-Type: message/vnd.msys.smpp; charset=utf-8
MM7 Part
– The body of the MM7 section. The Content-Type header is:Content-Type: multipart/vnd.msys.mm7
The MIME part in the MM7 section can be either a valid HTTP payload for MM7 (i.e. a SOAP envelope as the first part and a MIME attachment as the second part), or a valid MIME part without a SOAP envelope.
When the MCMT MM7 section encloses a SOAP envelope, the "Content-Type" header must have the parameter 'type="text/xml"' to indicate the presence of the SOAP envelope, along with the "start" and "boundary" parameters. The header "X-Transaction-ID" must also be defined and consistent with the transaction-id in the SOAP envelope, though it is only used for logging purpose. For example:
Content-Type: message/vnd.msys.mm7; Content-Type: multipart/related; type="text/xml"; start="<main_envelope>"; boundary="XXXX-MM7-boundary"; charset=utf-8 X-Transaction-Id: test_transaction_id --XXXX-MM7-boundary Content-Type: text/xml Content-Disposition: inline Content-ID: <main_envelope> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <env:Envelope xmlns:env=""> <env:Header> <mm7:TransactionID xmlns:mm7="» 23.140/schema/REL-5-MM7-1-0" env:mustUnderstand="1">test_transaction_id</» mm7:TransactionID> </env:Header> <env:Body> <SubmitReq xmlns="» REL-6-MM7-1-4"> <MM7Version>6.8.0</MM7Version> <SenderIdentification> <VASPID>MessageSystems-VASPID</VASPID> <VASID>MessageSystems-VASID</VASID> </SenderIdentification> <Recipients> <To> <Number>4108470189</Number> <RFC2822Address displayOnly="true"></» RFC2822Address> </To> </Recipients> <Subject>MCMT</Subject> <Content href="cid:mm7_test_mime_content_id-1" allowAdaptations="true"/> </SubmitReq> </env:Body> </env:Envelope> --XXXX-MM7-boundary Content-Id: <mm7_test_mime_content_id-1> Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="XXXX-MM7-attachment-boundary" This is a multipart message in MIME format. --XXXX-MM7-attachment-boundary Content-Type: text/plain this is the body text --XXXX-MM7-attachment-boundary Content-Type: text/plain; Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="test.txt" this is the attachment text --XXXX-MM7-attachment-boundary-- --XXXX-MM7-boundary--
The SOAP envelope in the MCMT MM7 section is optional. Momentum does not yet support the SOAP envelope shown in “With a SOAP Envelope”. The following example shows a MCMT MM7 part without a SOAP envelope:
Content-Type: message/vnd.msys.mm7 Content-Id: <mm7_test_mime_content_id-1> Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="XXXX-MM7-attachment-boundary" This is a multipart message in MIME format. --XXXX-MM7-attachment-boundary Content-Type: text/plain this is the body text --XXXX-MM7-attachment-boundary Content-Type: text/plain; Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="test.txt" this is the attachment text --XXXX-MM7-attachment-boundary--