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Using Policy for Engagement Tracking

Last updated March 2020

To enable or disable engagement tracking for a specific message, you can use policy to override the X-MSYS-API header and configuration option. In addition, engagement data specified in the policy's context variables will take precedence over the corresponding X-MSYS-API header fields. For details about engagement tracking for SMTP injections, see Tracking Engagement for SMTP .

The following context variable are used for engagement tracking in SMTP injections. These context variables must be set before or during the validate_data_spool_each_rcpt phase.

Note that context variables are always strings.

Context Variables


Name of the campaign to associate with the SMTP message

e.g.: "black friday"


Whether click tracking is enabled or disabled for the SMTP message

e.g.: "1" or "0" or "true" or "false"


Set the hyperlink scheme to use for click tracking links in the SMTP message


JSON key value pairs associated with the SMTP message

Metadata is available during engagement events based on a configuration option. See “engagement_tracker – HTTP Engagement Tracking”.

e.g.: "{"key" : "value"}"


Whether open tracking is enabled or disabled for the SMTP message

e.g.: "1" or "0" or "true" or "false"


Set the hyperlink scheme to use for open tracking links in the SMTP message


Array of text labels associated with the SMTP message

e.g.: "["cat", "dog"]"


Set the tracking domain to use in the hyperlink for the SMTP message


Set the expiration time for engagement tracking for the SMTP message


The smtp auth module sets the connection context variable mo_customer_id. Lua policy may also set this context variable, and it will be honored by the smtpapi module. There is no X-MSYS-API header equivalent for customer_id.

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