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The ecelerity.conf file is the master configuration file for the Momentum application server. It contains general configuration for Momentum, along with other configuration files included from within ecelerity.conf.

The default search path for the configuration file is:


Configuration options defined at the top level of the ecelerity.conf file are defined in a global scope. Many of these options can be defined in other scopes for a more fine-grained configuration. For example, the max_outbound_connections option can be set globally to apply to all outbound connections or within a domain scope to apply to a specific domain only. You can also set it in both scopes if you wish.

For a discussion of scopes and fallbacks, see “Configuration Scopes and Fallback”.

For a summary of all the non-module specific configuration options, refer to Configuration Options Summary .

Modules and their configuration options are discussed in the Modules Reference .

The following sections provide an overview of the configuration commonly defined in the ecelerity.conf file.

Control Listener

Momentum's control listener is configured in the ecelerity.conf file. For details, see Configuring Momentum's System Console .

Inbound Mail Service Listeners

Momentum's inbound mail service for SMTP or ECStream is configured in the ecelerity.conf file; while inbound mail service for HTTP is configured in the msg_gen.conf file included from within ecelerity.conf. Follow each link for details:

Cluster Listener

The ECCluster_Listener configures direct, point-to-point communication between cluster nodes and is configured in the ecelerity-cluster.conf file that is included from within ecelerity.conf. For details, see “ECCluster_Listener Configuration”.

Module Configuration

Momentum's functionality is extended through its module API. Modules can be explicitly loaded and their configuration options set in the ecelerity.conf file. For details, see “Modules”.

Outbound Mail Delivery Configuration

Momentum provides a variety of options that allows you to control its outbound mail delivery. For details, see Configuring Outbound Mail Delivery .

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