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msys.policyeditor.set_binding — Assign the message to a named binding


msys.policyeditor.set_binding(ctx, vars, params);

ctx: table
vars: table
params: table

**Configuration Change. ** This function is deprecated. Use msg:binding(bnd) to set a binding. For more information see msg:binding.


Assign the message to a named binding. If commas appear, it's a list of bindings, and we pick one at random.


If you assign messages to bindings, it is important to ensure that all messages are assigned to bindings, or to make sure that the fallback binding (otherwise known as "default") does what you want. Good scripting practice would be to ensure that there is always an else clause or some other way of ensuring that all messages are always dealt with in some way. For example, you could create a variable at the top of your script with the most general binding, then if blocks to assign a message to a more specific binding if it matches. At the end of the script, assuming no if condition applies, the else clause would assign the message to the most general binding.

You can use this function to set the binding to the default binding. For more information see the section called “The "default" Binding”.

The ctx parameter is the context containing objects from the callout, vars is a table containing script variables and params is a table containing parameters to be passed to this routine.

The defined parameter for params is:

  • binding the name of the binding to assign to. If commas appear, it's a list of bindings, and we pick one at random.

See Also

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