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Depending upon the options you choose during installation and how you configure the application, various ports are used by Momentum. Find below a listing of the services along with the typical or default port setting.

Adaptive Delivery Rules Update443The port used for adaptive rule updates See “adaptive – Adaptive Delivery”
Antivirus enginesvariousAntivirus engines connect to external daemons on specific ports See “antivirus – Antivirus Modules”
Apache80Used by the web UI See Using the Web Console
cidr_server9000Used by the cidr_server See “The cidr_server
cluster_listener4802Used in a cluster installation. Replaced by the ECCluster_Listener stanza as of version 3.0.15. See Clustering
control_listener2025Used to connect to the Momentum console ✓See “The Momentum System Console”
DatabasesvariousOptional databases use their default ports See “ds_core – Datasource Query Core”
ec_cmd2028The process that allows the web UI to manage cluster nodes See ec_cmd
ECCluster_Listener4802Replaces cluster_listener as of version 3.0.15. See the section called “ECCluster_Listener”
ECStream1825Incoming ECStream connections See the section called “ECStream_Listener”
Erlang (Riak)4369Riak port mapper See “Riak Ports”
HTTP_Listener8081The listener used by the REST injector See "The Momentum REST Injector"
Live Bounce Updates443The port used to submit unclassified bounces See “Live Bounce Updates – Module”
LMTP2003The port for Local Mail Transport Protocol See lmtp_port
MSGC4809Used for cluster communication as of version 3.4 See “msgc – Modules”
PostgreSQL5432Used to authenticate users and for web UI data storage ✓See “PostgreSQL”
Riak8098, 8099Used by the Riak data store (as of version 3.3) ✓See “Riak Ports”
SMTP25Incoming SMTP connections ✓See the section called “Listeners”
SNMP8162Port used by Simple Network Management Protocol See SNMP
Spread (mbus_daemon)4803, 4804Used for cluster communication prior to version 3.4 See mbus.conf
Subversion2027Used for version control of configuration files ✓See “The Momentum Configuration Server: ecconfigd”
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