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msys.os.statvfs_read — Request a snapshot of the stream




path: string


This function provides a "stream" for statvfs updates. This guarantees minimal blocking and it is safe to call this functions from the context of any thread. The developer first requests an ec_statvfs_record_t object by calling msys.os.statvfs_subscribe.

Find below an example of requesting a statvfs snapshot stream on /tmp updated at least every 10 seconds:

r = msys.os.statvfs_subscribe("/tmp", 10);

msys.os.statvfs_subscribe is guaranteed to fail only due to failed memory allocation. If interval is 0, then an implementation-default value is used for the interval length. After a user has subscribed to a snapshot stream associated with a path, they may use msys.os.statvfs_read to read the latest available snapshot. If several subscriptions exist for a given path, the smallest requested interval will be used. If a user requests a smaller interval than the default, then the interval update occurs on the previous interval edge.

Find below an example of requesting latest snapshot for /tmp and then printing total available kilobytes:

st, e = msys.os.statvfs_read(cache[path]);
  if (st == nil) then
    print (e);
    print (st["kilobytes_total"]);

If st is nil then e will contain the error message associated with the failure. st is userdata of type ec_statvfs_t and contains values for the following keys:

  • version

  • kilobytes_available

  • kilobytes_total

  • objects_available

  • objects_total

The following script example provides "subscribe" and "read" commands to ec_console.


  local cache = {};

  local function subscribe(cc)
     -- Check the number of parameters
     if cc.argc < 2 then
       print ("You must pass a parameter to this command");
     local path = cc.argv[1];

     if cache[path] == nil then
      cache[path] = msys.os.statvfs_subscribe(path, 5);
      if (cache[path] == nil) then
        print ("Memory exhausted.");
        print ("Created subscription for " .. path);

  local function read(cc)
     -- Check the number of parameters
     if cc.argc < 2 then
       print("You must pass a parameter to this command");
     local path = cc.argv[1];
     local st = nil;

     if cache[path] == nil then
       print ("ERROR: No subscription found.");

     st, e = msys.os.statvfs_read(cache[path]);
     if (st == nil) then
       print (e);
       print ("Version          : " .. st["version"]);
       print ("Available kB     : " .. st["kilobytes_available"]);
       print ("Total kB         : " .. st["kilobytes_total"]);
       print ("Available objects: " .. st["objects_available"]);
       print ("Total objects    : " .. st["objects_total"]);

     return st;

  msys.registerControl("subscribe", subscribe)
  msys.registerControl("read", read)

Enable this function with the statement require('msys.os');.

Command Construct Userdata

The function that performs the registered action, in the examples above, accepts as a parameter command_construct userdata. cc.argc returns the number of arguments supplied by the console command, with the first argument being the command name. cc.argv[0] is the command name and cc.argv[1] is the command option. For more sophisticated argument parsing use require("msys.getopt");. For more information examine the getopt.lua file found in the /opt/msys/ecelerity/libexec/scriptlets/msys directory.

See Also

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