SENG (sieve_engine)
Last updated March 2020
This struct is defined as follows:
struct sieve_engine {
SIEVE *sieve; /* which script */
ec_message *_vmsg;
validate_context *ctx;
accept_construct *ac;
char *phase;
int plen;
struct {
rfc2822_context rfc2822ctx;
ec_mime_context mimectx;
int mime_error;
unsigned valid_rfc2822:1;
unsigned valid_mimectx:1;
} legacy;
/* misc bits for actions to draw upon at runtime */
ec_bag *bag;
int rc; /* return code */
int pc; /* program counter */
Event *session;
int dns_complete;
SIEVEARGS *rv; /* return value, for assignment */
ec_hash_table *variables; /* maps variable names to SIEVEVARs */
unsigned should_free_ac:1;
unsigned can_go_async:1;
/* if true, then we last use the message in a legacy context */
unsigned legacy_msg:1;
unsigned orig_was_legacy:1;
unsigned _spare:4;
SIEVEARGS *args; /* argument context for next extension action call */
SIEVEARGS *arg_stringlist; /* stringlist being built for insertion into args */
void *module_data; /* for extension actions to use to stash data when returning SIV_AGAIN */
/* when we reach the end of the current program, pop the opstack */
struct sieve_op_stack *opstack;
int error_mode;
int can;
The sieve_engine
struct is typedef'ed in the following way: typedef struct sieve_engine SENG;
To use this struct, include the file sieve-parser-internals
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