Event Functions
Last updated March 2020
Name | Description |
build_event | Create an event |
build_event_from_now_f | Create a timed event |
build_fd_event | Create an event event relating to an open file descriptor |
event_close | Close the specified event |
event_free | Free an event |
event_io_printf | Initiate a formatted write to an event |
event_io_read | Initiate or continue a read operation for a fixed length |
event_io_retry | Continue a pending IO operation |
event_io_state_clean | Release resources held in an event_io_state structure |
event_io_write | initiate a write to an event |
event_io_write_string | Initiate a write of the contents of a string to an event |
event_post_dup | Duplicate an event |
event_read | Read an event |
float_event | Float an event |
get_event_by_fd | Retrieve an event |
get_fd_event_set | Retrieve an event set |
get_floating_event_set | Retrieve a floating event set |
clear_event_by_fd | Clear the event related to the file descriptor |
clear_timed_event | Clear the specified timed event |
schedule_event | Schedule an event from any thread |
schedule_event_and_dispatch | Schedule an event from any thread, and optionally dispatch the callback |
set_delayed_queue_event | Schedule a mail queue maintainer for this mail_queue |
sp_async_fail | Fail a message (deprecated) |
sp_async_schedule_event | Schedule an asynchronous event from any thread, and optionally dispatch the callback |
sp_make_swap_out_job | Create and return a job that will manage swap out processing |
sp_sync_close | Close the specified file descriptor, and optionally dispatch the callback |
The event system in Momentum tracks both IO and time-based events using the event structure. For sample code and a detailed discussion of events see “The Event API”.
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