Converting MCMT to XMPP
Last updated March 2020
If you don't convert a plain text message to a SMS message stanza in Lua, you can convert a MCMT message part to XMPP for delivery as an instant message. In order to perform message conversion you must provide a valid XMPP stanza in the MCMT part of a message as described at The Multi-Channel Message Type (MCMT).
Find below examples of converting between email and XMPP and vice versa.
require("msys.extended.message") require("msys.extended.message_routing”) xmpp = require("msys.xmpp") local mod = {} ----- HOOK to do ec_message => XMPP conversion ----- function mod:core_ec_message_enqueue(msg) local text = msg:text() if xmpp.valid_domain(msg:routing_domain()) and then local stanza = xml.newnode("message") stanza:attr("from", 'nobody@donot-reply') stanza:attr("to", msg:rcptto()) local body = stanza:addchild("body") body:contents(msg:text()) xmpp.routeStanza(stanza) msg.delivered = msys.core.EM_SUCCEEDED return EC_MESSAGE_ENQUEUE_HOOK_OK end return EC_MESSAGE_ENQUEUE_HOOK_CONT end msys.registerModule("xmpp_hooks", mod);
require("msys.extended.message") require("msys.extended.message_routing”) xmpp = require("msys.xmpp") local xmpp_mod = {} function xmpp_mod:client_message_recv(sess, stanza) local from = stanza:attr(“from”) local to = stanza:attr(“to”) -- ** It might be preferred to use doc:xpath() here to get the message body, -- ** BUT the xmldoc associated with the xmlnode (stanza) is most likely unlinked and released -- ** at this point of time. So it is actually not proper and very dangerous to reference to -- ** a xmldoc from the xmlnode (stanza) by using doc:xpath() for node in stanza:children() do if node:name() == 'body' then -- build an ec_message local headers = {} headers["To"] = to headers["From"] = from local parts = {} -- <message><body> parts["text/plain"] = node:contents() local ecmsg = msys.core.ec_message_new(nil) ecmsg:build(headers, parts, nil) -- inject ec_message ecmsg:inject(from, to) return msys.xmpp.DONE; end end return msys.xmpp.CONT; end xmpp.registerModule("xmpp_convergence", xmpp_mod)
For more information about the return values of the core_ec_message_enqueue hook point see ec_message_enqueue.
For instructions on building MCMT messages with XML instead of using the approach shown here, see the XMPP specifications Message Syntax.
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