Route to SMS Based on the Recipient Address
Last updated March 2020
When a specific email address appears in the To
header, you can map the email address to a phone number.
Create a Lua script named changeSMS.lua
and save it in a directory that is in the Lua search path—/opt/msys/ecelerity/etc/conf/default/policy
, for example. Be sure to add the script to the repository as described in Best Practices for Manually Created Policy Scripts.
## support files
local mod = {};
--Each RCPT Phase ##############################
function mod:validate_data_spool_each_rcpt(msg)
-- This script is setting the RCPT TO of the message based on the recipients preference. For the purpose of this demonstration
-- the system will use the RCPT TO address to look up the preference in a static table provided below. If the preference is 'email'
-- the message will unaltered and delivers to the supplied email address. If the preference is 'mobile' the RCPT TO will be
-- rewritten to the mobile number as follows <mobile>
-- Subscriber preferences are stored in the prefab table defined below. The table columns are
-- email localpart email domain preference mobile# mobileDomain
local preftab = { {"john.doe", "", "mobile", "16508922465", ""},
{"jane.doe", "", "smtp", "16508922465", ""},
{"georgie.porgie", "", "mobile", "12062250488", ""}
print ("table size = " .. #preftab);
local i = 1;
local localpt = msg:context_get(msys.core.ECMESS_CTX_MESS, "rcptto_localpart");
local domain = msg:context_get(msys.core.ECMESS_CTX_MESS, "rcptto_domain");
print ("rcpt to address = " .. localpt .. "@" .. domain); --This will appear in the /var/log/ecelerity/panic.log (remove or comment out for production use)
while i <= #preftab do -- loop through the available values in opts
if (preftab[i][1] == localpt) then
print ("match on localpt in row: " .. i); -- (remove or comment out for production use)
if (preftab[i][2] == domain) then
print ("Match on domain, getting preference");
if (preftab[i][3] == "mobile") then
local mobnum = preftab[i][4];
local mobdom = preftab[i][5];
print ("User preference " .. preftab[i][3] .. "rewriting destination to: " .. mobnum .. "@" .. mobdom);
msys.core.ec_message_context_set(msg, msys.core.ECMESS_CTX_MESS, "SMS_Destination_Address", mobnum);
return msys.core.VALIDATE_CONT;
print ("Sending as email");
return msys.core.VALIDATE_CONT;
print ("No email address match, sending as email ");
return msys.core.VALIDATE_CONT;
--Module Register
msys.registerModule("changeSMS", mod);
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