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Stop Transmissions to the First Platform Node

Last updated March 2020

Be sure that the first Platform node will no longer have transmission requests routed to it.

  1. On all Analytics nodes , edit /opt/msys/3rdParty/nginx/conf.d/momo_upstream.conf and either delete or comment out the line identifying the Platform node to be upgraded. For a combined cluster upgrade, perform this action on all nodes in the cluster .

    # Edit /opt/msys/3rdParty/nginx/conf.d/momo_upstream.conf
    #  In momo_upstream.conf, comment out the Platform node WHICH YOU ARE UPGRADING 
    #  from the upstream momo-rest stanza
         upstream momo-rest {

    Reload the NGINX configuration.

    pssh -h /var/tmp/vertica-hosts-file "/etc/init.d/msys-nginx reload"

  2. Allow the node time to finish generation.

    $ /opt/msys/ecelerity/bin/ec_console
    16:26:02 /tmp/2025> msg_gen joblist   
    Job: 84158406797069455 jctl: 4 Restarts: 0 resync: 0 complete: 0 del_pend: 0
          inprog: 1 Recips:    100  LastStart:      1 worker(count: 1 complete: 0)
          own  start count s_recip s_count s_total complete fail status state restart seqno finish
            4      1   100       1     100       0        0    0      0     0       0     1      0
    Job: 84158406797069346 jctl: 4 Restarts: 0 resync: 0 complete: 0 del_pend: 0
          inprog: 1 Recips:    100  LastStart:      1 worker(count: 1 complete: 0)
          own  start count s_recip s_count s_total complete fail status state restart seqno finish
            4      1   100       1     100       0        0    0      0     0       0     1      0
    16:26:06 /tmp/2025> msg_gen joblist                                                                                          
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