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Upgrade Ecelerity and the Cassandra Schema on the First Platform Node

Last updated May 2024

  1. The following steps connect Ecelerity and Cassandra. These steps should be done only on the first Platform node . Be sure you perform these steps in the order shown below.

    1. Upgrade the RPM packages with yum (this includes all Momentum and third party packages).

      yum --disablerepo=* --config momentum.repo --enablerepo=momentum upgrade

    2. Set up Cassandra-Momentum compatibility (i.e., the Cassandra schema to be used) (first Platform node only ).

      /opt/msys/ecelerity/bin/ --multinode /opt/msys/ecelerity/etc

    3. Start Momentum.

      service ecelerity start


      If Ecelerity fails to start due to a licensing issue, copy your license to the /opt/msys/ecelerity/etc/license file on all nodes .

  2. Modify the populate_customer_metadata.cql file to apply the Cassandra schema (first Platform node only ).

    sed -i 's/, sending_disabled//' \
  3. Apply the Users API schema changes (first Platform node only ).

    export UPG=/opt/msys/app/users-api/cql/upgrades
    export CQLSH=/opt/msys/3rdParty/bin/cqlsh
    $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2015.01.20_00.00.00__create_customer_metadata.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log
    $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2015.01.20_01.00.00__extract_customers.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log
    $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2015.01.20_02.00.00__populate_customer_metadata.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log
    $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2015.01.21_00.00.00__add_terms_of_use_column.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log
    $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2015.04.09_00.00.00__create_unsuccessful_logins.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log
    $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2015.04.10_00.00.00__two_factor.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log
    $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2015.04.28_00.00.00__add_is_sso_column.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log
    $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2015.04.28_00.00.00__add_tou_last_updated.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log
    $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2015.05.21_00.00.00__add_email_verified_column.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log
    $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2015.05.21_00.00.00__create_email_verification_tokens.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log
    $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2015.06.16_00.00.00__add_saml_column.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log
    $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2015.06.17_00.00.00__add_valid_ip_column.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log
    $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2015.06.22_00.00.00__add_last_login_column.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log
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