Upgrade Ecelerity and the Cassandra Schema on the First Platform Node
The following steps connect Ecelerity and Cassandra. These steps should be done only on the first Platform node . Be sure you perform these steps in the order shown below.
Upgrade the RPM packages with yum (this includes all Momentum and third party packages).
yum --disablerepo=* --config momentum.repo --enablerepo=momentum upgrade
Set up Cassandra-Momentum compatibility (i.e., the Cassandra schema to be used) (first Platform node only ).
/opt/msys/ecelerity/bin/cassandra_momo_setup.sh --multinode /opt/msys/ecelerity/etc
Start Momentum.
service ecelerity start
If Ecelerity fails to start due to a licensing issue, copy your license to the
file on all nodes .
Modify the
file to apply the Cassandra schema (first Platform node only ).sed -i 's/, sending_disabled//' \ /opt/msys/app/users-api/cql/upgrades/V2015.01.20_02.00.00__populate_customer_metadata.cql
Apply the Users API schema changes (first Platform node only ).
export UPG=/opt/msys/app/users-api/cql/upgrades export CQLSH=/opt/msys/3rdParty/bin/cqlsh $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2015.01.20_00.00.00__create_customer_metadata.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2015.01.20_01.00.00__extract_customers.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2015.01.20_02.00.00__populate_customer_metadata.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2015.01.21_00.00.00__add_terms_of_use_column.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2015.04.09_00.00.00__create_unsuccessful_logins.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2015.04.10_00.00.00__two_factor.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2015.04.28_00.00.00__add_is_sso_column.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2015.04.28_00.00.00__add_tou_last_updated.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2015.05.21_00.00.00__add_email_verified_column.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2015.05.21_00.00.00__create_email_verification_tokens.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2015.06.16_00.00.00__add_saml_column.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2015.06.17_00.00.00__add_valid_ip_column.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2015.06.22_00.00.00__add_last_login_column.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log