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Complete the Software Set Up

Last updated March 2020

  1. Complete the Vertica setup on the first Analytics node .

    1. Open vsql.

      /opt/vertica/bin/vsql -U vertica_dba

    2. Run the following commands. This creates projections in Vertica so that queries can be optimized and executed more quickly, and also converts domain names to lowercase to simplify searching.

      set search_path='momo';
      \i /opt/msys/app/db/projections/multinode_sql/latest_metrics_projection.sql
      \i /opt/msys/app/db/projections/multinode_sql/latest_ad_projections.sql
      \i /opt/msys/app/db/data-migrations/V2015.02.17_14.21.00__migrate_lc_domain.sql
    3. Quit vsql.


  2. Complete the Adaptive Delivery API setup on all Analytics nodes . For a combined cluster upgrade, perform this action on all nodes in the cluster .

    1. Create or update the /opt/msys/app/adaptive-delivery-api/config/production.json file to configure the Adaptive Delivery API. It should like this.

      #  This file should be on all Analytics nodes
      #  Example
      #  cat > /opt/msys/app/adaptive-delivery-api/config/production.json
        "vertica": {
          "hosts": [
    2. Create or update the /opt/msys/3rdParty/nginx/conf.d/api_adaptive_delivery_upstream.conf file to configure Nginx.

      # Example
      # cat > /opt/msys/3rdParty/nginx/conf.d/api_adaptive_delivery_upstream.conf
      upstream api_adaptive_delivery {
    3. Edit the nginx /opt/msys/3rdParty/nginx/conf.d/web_proxy.conf configuration file. Find these lines of code...

      location /api/v1/metrics {
          proxy_pass http://api_metrics;
          include "../conf.d/default.cors";

      ...and add these lines immediately after:

      location /api/v1/adaptive-delivery {
          proxy_pass http://api_adaptive_delivery;
          include "../conf.d/default.cors";
      location /api/v1/metrics/domains {
          more_set_headers 'Cache-Control: public, max-age=86400';
          proxy_pass http://api_metrics;
          include "../conf.d/default.cors";
    4. Start the Adaptive Delivery API.

      /etc/init.d/msys-app-adaptive-delivery-api start

    5. Test the nginx configuration.

      /etc/init.d/msys-nginx configtest

      If there are no errors, restart nginx.

      /etc/init.d/msys-nginx restart

  3. Complete the Adaptive Delivery ETL setup on all Platform nodes . For a combined cluster upgrade, perform this action on all nodes in the cluster .

    1. Create or update the /opt/msys/app/adaptive-delivery-etl/config/production.json file to configure the Adaptive Delivery API. It should look like this:

      # Example
      # cat > /opt/msys/app/adaptive-delivery-etl/config/production.json
        "vertica": {
          "hosts": [
    2. Start the Adaptive Delivery API.

      service msys-app-adaptive-delivery-etl start

    3. Test the nginx configuration. If you are performing an upgrade on a Combined Node, you can skip this step.

      service msys-nginx configtest

      If there are no errors, restart nginx.

      service msys-nginx restart

  4. Clean up your configuration files. Remove all occurrences of application.vertica|cassandra from the following files (this is now in the root of all configurations). In a combined cluster upgrade, these files will be on all nodes in the cluster .

    • On all Analytics nodes , this file /opt/msys/app/webhooks-api/config/production.json should look like this:

      # Configure Platform and Analytics hosts for the webhooks-api
      # cat > /opt/msys/app/webhooks-api/config/production.json
         "vertica": {
           "hosts": [
          "cassandra": {
            "hosts": [
    • On all Analytics nodes , this file /opt/msys/app/metrics-api/config/production.json should look like this:

      # cat > /opt/msys/app/metrics-api/config/production.json
        "vertica": {
          "hosts": [
    • On all Platform nodes , this file /opt/msys/app/metrics-etl/config/production.json should look like this:

      # Example
      # cat > /opt/msys/app/metrics-etl/config/production.json
        "vertica": {
          "hosts": [


Be sure to read the Release Notes for the version of Momentum that you are installing.

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