New Installation - All Configurations
The installation and upgrade instructions in this section are only applicable in their entirety for Momentum 4.x releases prior to 4.2.28. For release 4.2.28 and beyond, please refer to the installation and upgrade PDF documents available under the desired release's folder on the Message Systems Support website's Downloads page. If you are uncertain as to which document is applicable to your situation, please contact your technical support representative. |
This section documents the installation procedures for use in either a local or Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment. This installation can be scaled for a variety of installation configurations, including singlenode, a cluster with three combined Platform and Analytics nodes, and two-tiered topologies that have multiple Platform and multiple, separate Analytics nodes.
NOTE: If you are installing a three node combined (or similar) topology , each node serves all roles: each node is an MTA node and a Cassandra node and an Analytics node.
The first node in a cluster requires the installation and configuration of some additional services. It is also a convenient place to set up stub files that will make the rest of the configuration go much faster.
Ensure you have valid Momentum licenses installed on each system in
. If your license has been issued and your server has external connectivity, you can run the following command to pull your license:/opt/msys/ecelerity/bin/ec_lic
For more information, see “Momentum License”.
Execute the commands below to create a random service password file named
that can be used by the various services to access the database. The commands will store the password in a file on the disk on the first node, then have you copy it to all Platform nodes (in the same location).Additionally, logging into the console remotely or making manual changes and committing them to the shared config repository requires an additional username/password combination. By convention, this user is "admin" but you can use any username you want by making the appropriate change in the below
commands:Execute the following commands on the first MTA node only:
mkdir -p /opt/msys/etc < /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 | head -c8 \
/opt/msys/etc/.svcpasswd export SVCPASSWD=
cat /opt/msys/etc/.svcpasswd
export ADMINPASS=adminExecute the following commands on each of the remaining MTA nodes::
mkdir -p /opt/msys/etc scp -p
:/opt/msys/etc/.svcpasswd /opt/msys/etc export SVCPASSWD=cat /opt/msys/etc/.svcpasswd
export ADMINPASS=admin -
Create the PostgreSQL database host file. Ecelerity requires a PostgreSQL database for console authentication and other minor modules. This is a very low usage database that is installed on the first node for simplicity.
echo $HOSTNAME > /opt/msys/etc/.dbhost
Configure PostgreSQL with the
schema.service msyspg start sleep 40 cd /opt/msys/ecelerity/etc ../bin/init_schema --password $SVCPASSWD --admin-password $ADMINPASS
You should see something like this:
Loading sql/common.sql into common...done! Loading sql/console.sql into console...done! Loading sql/returnpath.sql into returnpath...done! Loading sql/seedlist.sql into seedlist...done! Loading sql/adaptive.sql into adaptive...done!
If there were any problems creating the ecelerity database in PostgreSQL invoke:
/opt/msys/3rdParty/bin/dropdb -U ecuser ecelerity
Then try to run
In this section's following numbered steps, you will configure Ecelerity on the first node only .
Start the Ecelerity configuration server,
is used witheccfg
to maintain a clusterwide configuration using Subversion (and Apache). The ecconfigd server is installed on the first MTA node and does not rely on any other service being installed or active. -
Check out (bootstrap) the initial ecelerity configuration.
Modify the cluster configuration (unless you are installing a Single Node).
Configure message generation.
Create the ecdb datasource.
If you are going to manage the cluster-wide configuration with your own management tools, continue with the instructions to configure the first Platform node using
. Then disableeccfg
, import the files into your management package, and ensure that the configuration is identical on all Platform nodes.
Configure and start ecconfigd.
UseCanonicalName DNS
and comment out the following line:
Include "/opt/msys/etc/installer/ecconfigd.d/*.conf"
Copy the service password to your clipboard so that is it easily accessible for upcoming commands.
Format the password for Subversion. Enter or paste the service password when prompted.
/opt/msys/ecelerity/bin/create_ssl_cert ecconfigd $HOSTNAME /var/ecconfigd/apache # htdigest prompts for the password twice and does not support shell redirection # make sure you copied the service password into your clipboard, i.e. the # contents of $SVCPASSWD, which we just copied above /opt/msys/3rdParty/apache/sbin/htdigest -c /var/ecconfigd/repo/svn-auth.htdigest \ "ecconfigd repo" ecuser
Configure the admin user. Enter or paste the admin password when prompted.
# Use your admin password here (typically "admin", i.e. the contents of $ADMINPASS) echo $ADMINPASS /opt/msys/3rdParty/apache/sbin/htdigest /var/ecconfigd/repo/svn-auth.htdigest \ "ecconfigd repo" admin
Start up the ecconfigd service to complete the ecconfigd setup.
service ecconfigd start
Bootstrap the initial ecelerity configuration repository.
Set the proper permissions on the directory
cd /opt/msys/ecelerity/etc chmod g+ws .
If you are installing multiple MTA nodes, then invoke
/opt/msys/ecelerity/bin/eccfg bootstrap --clustername default \ --username admin --password $ADMINPASS
Otherwise, if you are installing a singlenode instance, then invoke
/opt/msys/ecelerity/bin/eccfg bootstrap --singlenode \ --username admin --password $ADMINPASS
Your results should look like this:
A /opt/msys/ecelerity/etc/conf/default A /opt/msys/ecelerity/etc/conf/default/ecelerity.conf A /opt/msys/ecelerity/etc/conf/default/mobile.conf A /opt/msys/ecelerity/etc/conf/default/common.conf A /opt/msys/ecelerity/etc/conf/default/eccluster.conf A /opt/msys/ecelerity/etc/conf/default/messagescope.conf A /opt/msys/ecelerity/etc/conf/default/messagescope_remediation.conf A /opt/msys/ecelerity/etc/conf/default/ecelerity-cluster.conf
If there is an error during this step, you can move the
to a different location such as/tmp
, try to correct possible errors above and try to bootstrap a second time.
Update the
cluster configuration file.Note
Skip this step if you are installing a single node instance.
Copy the
file to the appropriate location.cp /opt/msys/ecelerity/etc/sample-configs/default/msgc_server.conf /opt/msys/ecelerity/etc/conf/global/
Edit the following lines in
. For EACH MTA node that you are installing, substitute the hostnames and IP addresses as appropriate.msgc_server { peers = [ = "" = "" ... = "" ] }
Update the
configuration file.-
Copy the
file to the appropriate location.cp /opt/msys/ecelerity/etc/sample-configs/default/msg_gen.conf /opt/msys/ecelerity/etc/conf/default/
Edit the following lines in the
stanza in/opt/msys/ecelerity/etc/conf/default/msg_gen.conf
, substituting your Cassandra hostnames (which may be the same hostnames as your MTA nodes) as appropriate.cassandra_client { uri = ( "name=cassandra_db;host=
;port=9160" "name=cassandra_db;
;port=9160" ... "name=cassandra_db;
;port=9160" ) }In the same file, edit the following lines in the
stanza, again substituting your hostnames as appropriate.msg_gen { engagement_tracking_host = "EXTERNAL_DNS_HOSTNAME:81" cluster_cfg = true node
{ mta_id = 1 votes = 1 }
{ mta_id = 2 votes = 1 } ...
{ mta_id = n votes = 1 } }
Update the
Create an
with the database source << EOT > /opt/msys/ecelerity/etc/conf/default/ecdb.conf Datasource "ecdb" { uri = ( "pgsql:host=$HOSTNAME;dbname=ecelerity;user=ecuser;password=$SVCPASSWD" ) } EOT
Replace the following line in the
file:readonly_include "/opt/msys/etc/installer/eccmgr.d/ecdb.conf"
With this line:
readonly_include "ecdb.conf"
Update the
configuration file and commit to the repository.-
Replace this line:
readonly_include "/opt/msys/etc/installer/ecelerity.d/"
With this line:
readonly_include "ecdb.conf"
Remove the comment character (#) in these TWO lines.
If you are performing a singlenode install, then you should only uncomment the
line.# include “msg_gen.conf" # include "ecelerity-cluster.conf”
Commit the changes.
/opt/msys/ecelerity/bin/eccfg commit --username admin --password $ADMINPASS \ --add-all --message "Including cluster config and msg_gen config"
Test the ecelerity configuration. Hit Enter at the first Password: prompt, then enter your admin/ADMINPASS user name and password when prompted.
$ /opt/msys/ecelerity/bin/ec_console shim:// # hit enter to get a Username: prompt and use admin/ADMINPASS # Once you are logged-in you should get a ">" prompt, and be able to type many commands such # as "version" and "summary" quit
Configure RabbitMQ on all MTA nodes .
Configure RabbitMQ.
export THIRDPARTY=/opt/msys/3rdParty export RABBITMQCTL="$THIRDPARTY/sbin/rabbitmqctl" export RABBITMQADMIN="$THIRDPARTY/sbin/rabbitmqadmin" service msys-rabbitmq start $RABBITMQADMIN declare exchange name=momentum_metrics type=topic $RABBITMQADMIN declare queue name=msg_events $RABBITMQADMIN declare binding source=momentum_metrics \ destination=msg_events \ routing_key=msys.* $RABBITMQCTL add_user rabbitmq "p1-Vk0lXy" $RABBITMQCTL set_user_tags rabbitmq administrator $RABBITMQCTL set_permissions -p '/' rabbitmq '.*' '.*' '.*' $RABBITMQCTL delete_user guest
On the MTA nodes, an NGINX process acts as a proxy/load balancer for various API endpoints. In this section, you will configure NGINX for the MTAs. You will create and/or edit the following files on the first MTA node, and then copy selected ones to the remaining MTA nodes. If you are installing on combined (MTA + Analytics) nodes, remember that every node in the cluster is both an MTA and an Analytics node.
(port 2081) -
(port 2081) -
(port 2082) -
(port 2083) -
(port 2084) -
(port 2085) -
(port 2086)
In each file, you will edit the associated “upstream stanza”. Take special note of the corresponding ports that are used in each configuration file .
Copy the files above from the
directory to the/opt/msys/3rdParty/nginx/conf.d
directory. These provide templates for your changes and already have the correct upstream stanza names and ports. -
file determines the routing for incoming click and open requests. Edit theupstream click_proxy
stanza to point to all MTA nodes on port 2081 that are participating in click and open tracking.Example
cat > /opt/msys/3rdParty/nginx/conf.d/click_proxy_upstream.conf
upstream click_proxy { server
:2081; ... server; least_conn; } -
Edit the remaining
files as follows. Configure the associatedupstream *
stanzas by listing all the Analytics nodes in your cluster, along with the proper port (shown in parentheses above). These configuration files determine the routing for incoming API calls.For example, edit the
upstream api_webhooks
stanza to include all Analytics nodes so that the MTA ETL processes can make Webhooks API requests on port 2084 . The remaining files are nearly identical except for the name of the upstream stanza and the port associated with the server. The name of the upstream stanza for each file is same as the leading portion of the filenaming convention, i.e.upstream_stanza_name
is the exception, where the stanza ismomo-rest
cat > /opt/msys/3rdParty/nginx/conf.d/api_webhooks_upstream.conf
upstream api_webhooks { server
:2084; ... server; least_conn; } -
When using the client IP address feature for reporting, add any external load balancer's IP addresses to the
file, one per line quoted. -
If not installing a combined node and
does not exist, create it with the following contents.server { listen 2084; server_name _; location /api/v1/webhooks { proxy_pass http://api_webhooks; } }
Before starting nginx on a combined node, you must remove the
file (if it exists), which containslisten 2084
. -
Test the nginx configuration.
service msys-nginx configtest
Your results should look like this:
nginx: the configuration file /opt/msys/3rdParty/nginx/conf/nginx.conf syntax is ok nginx: configuration file /opt/msys/3rdParty/nginx/conf/nginx.conf test is successful
There are several agents on the MTA nodes that transfer data to the Analytics nodes for further processing and storage.
Configure the ETL processes on the MTAs.
Create the ETL
files, as shown below (substituting appropriate Analytics hostnames) in these directories on the first MTA node:-
# Example # cat > /opt/msys/app/metrics-etl/config/production.json { "vertica": { "hosts": [ "", "", ... "" ] } }
Your final
files must not have any comment lines in them, and the last line within thehosts
stanza must not have a comma at the end. -
Be sure to repeat the steps in this section on all remaining platform nodes.
To ease configuration of remaining MTA nodes, copy the following configuration files to ALL remaining MTA nodes FROM the first MTA node
Create and copy
to each of the remaining MTAs:echo $HOSTNAME >/var/tmp/initialnode.txt scp /var/tmp/initialnode.txt
Copy the Ecelerity configuration files to the remaining MTA nodes.
scp -r /opt/msys/ecelerity/etc
Because this overwrites the license files on the target nodes, you may need to then remove the files and then re-pull them using the command
/opt/msys/ecelerity/bin/ec_lic -f
Copy two NGINX configuration files to the remaining MTA nodes.
Combined nodes will ultimately require additional of the NGINX configuration files to be copied to the remaining nodes in order to support their Anaytics functions. You may choose to do that now, if applicable, or when those steps are covered in section “Configure the Remaining Analytics Nodes by Copying Files”
cd /opt/msys/3rdParty/nginx/conf.d scp click_proxy_upstream.conf api_webhooks_upstream.conf
Copy the
configuration files to all remaining MTA nodes.# Do this for EACH MTA HOSTNAME cd /opt/msys/app find . -name production.json | xargs tar cf - | ssh -l root cd $PWD \; tar xf -
Log onto each remaining MTA node in the cluster and bootstrap the ecelerity configuration repo.
cat /var/tmp/initialnode.txt
export ADMINPASS=admin cd /opt/msys/ecelerity/etc chgrp -R ecuser . chmod g+ws . chmod -R g+w . /opt/msys/ecelerity/bin/eccfg bootstrap --clustername default -u admin -p $ADMINPASS $INITIALNODE -
For each remaining MTA node, test Ecelerity configuration exactly as you did on the first MTA node as described in Step #7 of section “Configure Ecelerity”.
If not already done so in section “Configure RabbitMQ”, log onto each remaining MTA node and configure RabbitMQ exactly as you did on the first MTA node as described in that section.