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pipe_io – Pipe IO Wrapper

Last updated March 2020

The pipe_io module provides facilities for writing content via an arbitrary program. Momentum uses an I/O abstraction layer for writing logs. With this module, you can post-process or transform logs.

pipe_io should not be used for post-processing the paniclog on Momentum nodes.


This module is loaded automatically as required and does not need to be explicitly included. The configuration is in two parts: module-wide error logging and options for a specific pipe. Module Options


If the invoked program writes to STDERR, log it to this file. If this is not set, nothing will be logged.


When creating error_file, use this file mode. Defaults to 0666.


If the invoked program writes to STDOUT, log it to this file. If this is not set, nothing will be logged.


When creating output_file, use this file mode. Defaults to 0666.


When closing the pipe, timeout specifies how many seconds pipe_io should wait for the program to exit normally. If the program does not exit normally, pipe_io will terminate it. URI Parameters

The URI specifies the path to the program that should be connected to the read end of the pipe; for example, pipe:///usr/bin/myscript. The URI parameters specify the environment and arguments for the program, and how to handle errors.


The Nth command-line parameter.


If 1, remove all variables from the environment. This can be used with envN to specify a complete environment for your program. By default, the program will inherit the environment of the parent process.


Insert a variable into the environment. The value is of the form name=value.


If 1, then one attempt will be made to restart the program if it exits unexpectedly. This is the default. Otherwise no attempt will be made to restart the program.


If 1, shutdown if the program cannot be started, restarted, or exits unexpectedly. This is the default behavior One attempt will be made to restart the program (see reinvoke) -- the shutdown will occur if that fails.

If 0, no shutdown will occur, but data will be lost silently.

Post-processing of Clustered Logs

The following example shows the use of pipe_io in eccluster.conf for post-processing of logs on the cluster manager.

pipe_io {
  output_file = "/var/log/eccluster/pipe_io_output.log"
  output_mode = 0664
  error_file = "/var/log/eccluster/pipe_io_error.log"
  error_mode = 0664
  timeout = 5

Logs {
  # arg1 = path, last component is the log name
  # arg2 = log name
  # arg3 = node name
  logfile = "pipe:///opt/msys/ecelerity/bin/myscript?arg1=/var/log/eccluster/%Y/%m/%d/%{l}&arg2=%{l}&arg3=%{n}"
  file_mode = "0640"
  dir_mode = "0755"

  # Reopen logs every ten minutes, if there's no activity.
  # The pipe reader is expected to manage its own file handles
  # intelligently, so there is less need for eccmgr to age them out.
  max_idle = "600"

Other Considerations

  • Pipe readers should not do intensive post-processing, or any processing that will introduce significant latency (e.g., database access).

  • Pipe readers should be aware that the write end of the pipe is closed when logs are re-opened or when the instance shuts down.

  • To use this module on Linux, add export ECELERITY_MEMORY=NOREPLACE to /opt/msys/ecelerity/etc/environment.

See Also

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