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msg_gen – Message Generation

Last updated October 2021

The msg_gen module handles message generation, which is triggered by injecting messages using HTTP. The module accepts the components of a transmission, including recipient list, template, and message content, and constructs a personalized message for each recipient. The generated message is then queued for delivery. Each transmission is handled independently, and the creation of all messages is managed as a trackable unit. The tracking and logging of messages post generation is handled by other modules.

Typically, the msg_gen module should not be altered, with the exception of the open tracking and click tracking options. By default, both options are enabled during installation. If you want to disable these features globally, change the configuration options in the msg_gen module.


To use the msg_gen module, you must be licensed for Message Generation support.


The msg_gen module is configured in the msg_gen.conf file that is created during installation. See msg_gen.conf File”. The following is an example configuration:

msg_gen {
  click_tracking_enabled = "true"
  open_tracking_enabled = "true"
  cluster_cfg = true
  quorum = 2
  gen_count = 3
  gen_transactional_threads = 3
  start_time_max_schedule_interval = "31536000"
  engagement_tracking_host = ""
  # A node stanza for each Platform node
  # The node stanza only appears in a Platform cluster
  # configuration.
  node "node1.lan" {
    mta_id = 1
    votes = 1
  node "node2.lan" {
    mta_id = 2
    votes = 1
  node "node3.lan" {
    mta_id = 3
    votes = 1

The following are the configuration options defined within this module:


Enable or disable click tracking for messages generated using HTTP. Default value is true. You can override this setting for a specific template or transmission by specifying the click_tracking field in the Momentum 4 REST API.


Whether your click tracker uses HTTP or HTTPS. Default value is http.


Whether the installation is a stand-alone or cluster. Node clauses are not present for a stand-alone installation.


Identify the Platform node that is used for engagement tracking. This option is set during installation, and the server identified must have an active DNS name. The default port, also assigned during installation, is port 80 in a cluster installation and port 81 in a stand-alone installation.


Define the thread count used for message generation. Default value is 2. This option is valid in the msg_gen module and node scopes. When set to 0 within the node scope, it indicates that the particular node cannot generate messages but can participate in voting for quorum. If this option is changed at runtime, you must restart the ecelerity process.


Configure the transactional thread pool used to handle small (single-recipient) non-scheduled transmissions submitted to this node. It may be zero or a positive number.

When set to a positive number, n, the msg_gen module creates a thread pool with n threads to handle transactional (single-recipient) transmissions (see Transactional Message). The database will not be used while generating non-scheduled single-recipient messages, as the transmission API provides all required data about transmission, template, and recipients. No database access is needed to generate these messages, and so the processing burden is reduced. However, database access is still required to store and access tags and to generate scheduled transmissions.

If gen_transactional_threads is set to 0, then the transactional thread pool is disabled and the thread pool specified by gen_count is used to interact with the database to generate transactional mailings.

The default value is 2, and is only applicable when gen_count is set to a value greater than zero. This option is valid in the msg_gen module and node scopes.


If this option is changed at runtime, you must restart the ecelerity process.


The msg_gen module contains a node stanza for each Platform node. The options within this scope should not typically be altered.

The node names within the node stanzas must match the names used in the peers stanza in “msgc_server Module”.


Enable or disable open tracking for messages generated using HTTP. Default value is true. You can override this setting for a specific template or transmission by specifying the open_tracking field in the Momentum 4 REST API.


Whether your open tracker uses HTTP or HTTPS. Default value is http.


The amount of time prior to a scheduled transmission during which you cannot delete the transmission. The default value is 600 seconds. If you attempt to delete a transmission within the specified timeframe, the request will be denied. For example, if scheduled_interval_delete is set to 420 seconds but the transmission is scheduled to run in 300 seconds, the delete request will be denied.

The minimum setting is 60 seconds. If the value is set to less than 60, the software will override that setting and use 60.


Maximum allowed time in the future for which a transmission can be scheduled. Time is in seconds. The default value is 31536000 seconds (1 year). This value is added to the current time to determine the latest time that can be specified for a scheduled send.


As of Momentum 4.4, a message can be scheduled to be sent at some time in the future as part of the msg_gen module. Scheduled send currently only applies to REST injections. For a description on how to use the scheduled send functionality, please visit our transmissions API docs.

The old version of this functionality was known as scheduled generation, and it was retired after Momentum 4.2.28. Scheduled send differs from scheduled generation in that the message is now immediately generated, but queued in Momentum's delayed queue until the scheduled start time.

To enable this functionality the scheduled_send and keep_message_dicts_in_memory options must both be set to true in the configuration.


The precedence for engagement tracking options, from highest to lowest is as follows:

  • transmission level

  • template level

  • msg_gen level

For example, if click_tracking is not specified at the transmission level, the value at the template level is used. If the template level is also not specified, the setting of the configuration option in the msg_gen module is used.

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