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Log Monitoring

Last updated May 2024

This chapter lists and describes the logs associated with Momentum 4.

Log File Name and LocationNode TypeDescription
/var/log/ecelerity/paniclog.ecPlatformError level information for ecelerity is written here.
/var/log/eccluster/paniclog.ecManagerError level information for eccmgr is written here.
/var/log/msys-nginx/error.logAllNginx log
/var/log/msys-cassandraPlatform and ManagerCassandra log
/var/log/msys-rabbitmq/rabbit@node.logPlatformInternal logging **** Note** that the content of this log must not be altered or truncated - listed here for informational purposes only.
/var/db/vertica/msys/dblogAnalyticsVertica log
/var/log/msys-nodejs/*.logAnalyticsNodeJS log
/var/log/ecelerity/gencp_*PlatformInternal logging ** **** Note** that the content of this log must not be altered or truncated - listed here for informational purposes only. These files show if you are getting a backup of transmission requests.
/var/log/ecelerity/traces/*AllThese files show if Ecelerity is having a problem.
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