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Start Remaining Services

Last updated March 2020

Analytics Nodes

  1. Start the remaining services on each of the Analytics nodes.


    You will see errors logged if you start the ETL and Webhooks services before the matching API endpoints are configured on the Analytics node(s). These are a result of the back-end API being unavailable and can be safely ignored.

    # You can check to see what services are currently running using:
    # chkconfig --list
    service msys-nginx start
    service msys-app-metrics-api start
    service msys-app-adaptive-delivery-api start
    service msys-app-users-api start
    service msys-app-webhooks-api start
  2. On your Analytics nodes, you can check that the Users, Metrics, and Adaptive Delivery APIs are running by using netstat.

    netstat -tulpn | grep 208
    # Should see something like this, with a row for each API/port:
    tcp        0      0      *                   LISTEN      21416/nginx         
    tcp        0      0      *                   LISTEN      21686/node          
    tcp        0      0      *                   LISTEN      21856/node          
    tcp        0      0      *                   LISTEN      21812/node          
    tcp        0      0      *                   LISTEN      21756/node

    If you're missing one of the ports/services, then inspect this log directory for the appropriate API log /var/log/msys-nodejs/.

MTA Nodes

  1. Start the remaining services on each MTA node.

    # You can check to see what services are currently running using:
    # chkconfig --list
    service msys-app-adaptive-delivery-etl start
    service msys-app-metrics-etl start
    service msys-app-webhooks-etl start
    service msys-riak start
    service ecelerity start
    service msys-nginx start

Create an Administrative User

  1. Create the following administrative user on the first Analytics node. Be sure to substitute appropriate names and a valid email address, and change the password. You may also change the username ("msys_admin") if you wish.

    export LINE1='"username" : "admin", "password": "EDITME", "access" : "admin"'
    export LINE2='"firstName" : "EDITME", "lastName" : "EDITME", "email" : ""'
    curl -XPOST -H "X-MSYS-CUSTOMER: 1" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d \
       "{ $LINE1, $LINE2 }" http://localhost:2085/api/v1/users

Complete the Cassandra Configuration

  1. Modify the populate_customer_metadata.cql file on the first Cassandra node only.

    Edit /opt/msys/app/users-api/cql/upgrades/V2015.01.20_02.00.00__populate_customer_metadata.cql. Remove the sending_disabled column. So, the file should look like this:

    copy customer_meta(customer_id) from '/tmp/customerMetaDataMigration.csv';

  2. Perform Cassandra schema Application-related updates.

    export UPG=/opt/msys/app/users-api/cql/upgrades
    export CQLSH=/opt/msys/3rdParty/bin/cqlsh
    $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2014.06.11_00.00.00__add_oauth_clients.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log
    $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2014.12.21_00.00.00__create_user_emails.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log
    $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2014.12.22_00.00.00__populate_email_users.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log
    $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2015.01.20_01.00.00__extract_customers.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log
    $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2015.01.20_02.00.00__populate_customer_metadata.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log
    $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2015.04.09_00.00.00__create_unsuccessful_logins.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log
    $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2015.04.10_00.00.00__two_factor.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log
    $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2015.04.28_00.00.00__add_is_sso_column.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log
    $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2015.04.28_00.00.00__add_tou_last_updated.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log
    $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2015.05.21_00.00.00__create_email_verification_tokens.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log
    $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2015.06.16_00.00.00__add_saml_column.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log
    $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2015.06.17_00.00.00__add_valid_ip_column.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log
    $CQLSH -k authentication -f $UPG/V2015.06.22_00.00.00__add_last_login_column.cql 2>&1 >> cassandra_schema.log
  3. You should now be able to login to the UI by placing the IP address of the first Analytics node into a browser's address bar.

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