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Category File

Last updated October 2021

msg_gen_data_spoolThis hook is invoked after a message has been generated by the msg_gen module
config_rsrc_setupRegister a resource
ec_config_rsrc_getReturn a resource list blobject from the configuration system
ec_httpsrv_register_authRegister an HTTP handler for authenticating a URI
ec_httpsrv_request_local_addressReturns the local IP address from the current session
ec_httpsrv_request_peer_addressReturns the remote peer address from the current session
inbound_smtp_tls_post_acceptModify the message state after the tls handshake in esmtp_tls_accept (available in 4.4.0 or higher)

This chapter includes hook point and C function reference material that is specific to Momentum 4.

Hook points and C functions that are common to Momentum 4 and Momentum 3 are provided in the Momentum 3.x documentation. For hook points, see the API. For C functions, see the API.

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