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Hardware Deployment Configuration

Last updated May 2024

The Single Node Lab system is designed to support multiple functions in your environment, including development, testing staging, and other non-production roles. The system deploys to a single server supporting all Momentum functionality. The Single Node Lab System should not be used for performance testing, nor it is recommended for production use due to its lack of redundancy.

Hardware Specifications

CPU Cores8
CPU Speed3.2 GHz (min. 2.5 GHz)
Memory32 GiB (min. 16 GiB) RAM
Network Interface1 Gbps NIC

TIP: If running in cloud environments, CPU-optimized instances are recommended over general-purpose and memory-optimized instances.

Storage Configuration

ArrayMount PointsConfiguration
All Storage 4 x 150 GiB 15k RPM HDD
Message Spools*/var/spool/ecelerity2 x 150 GiB in RAID1
App Binaries
Platform DB
Analytics DB
/ (root)
2 x 150 GiB in RAID1

(*) This array should be dedicated to the spools.

Reference Measurements

With the hardware specifications above, a reference system is able to sustain an ESMTP injection rate of:

  • 1.8 M messages/hour
  • 100 kiB each message


  • CPU Usage: 65% (5-6 cores out of 8)
  • Memory usage:
    • Virtual: 2.2 GiB
    • Resident: 500 MiB
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