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msys.brightmail.scan — Use Brightmail to scan messages


msys.brightmail.scan(msg, accept, vctx);

msg: userdata, ec_message type
accept: userdata, accept_construct type
vctx: userdata, validate_context type


In order for this function to work, you must configure the brightmail module. Be sure to set the brightmail module option sieve_mode to on. This function can be invoked at the data, spool or each_rcpt phases. It will not work at the connect, ehlo, mailfrom or rcptto phases. msg is the email to be scanned; accept is the accept_construct and vctx is the validation context. Use this function to scan the mail. A tuple is returned with the following members:

  • verdict the scan result. Possible values include spam and inbox.

  • is_default if true, the mail should be dispatched to original destination.

  • rules a list of the brightmail rule numbers used to reach the verdict. The numbers are separated by a space and in string format. This key is available only when the brightmail module is configured and performs the scanning.

  • tracker a string suitable for use as the X-Brightmail-Tracker header. This key is available only when the brightmail module is configured and performs the scanning.


Do not use pcall with this function. Also, note that the brightmail module option, sieve_mode, must be set to on if you wish to use this function.


local mod = {};

function mod:validate_data_spool_each_rcpt(msg, accept, vctx)
  local verdict, is_default, rules, tracker =
    msys.brightmail.scan(msg, accept, vctx);
  print("verdict:", verdict, " is_default:", is_default,
    " rules:", rules, " tracker:", tracker);
  vctx:set(msys.core.VCTX_MESS, 'bm_verdict', verdict);
  return msys.core.VALIDATE_CONT;

msys.registerModule("test_bm", mod);

Enable this function with the statement require('msys.brightmail');.

See Also

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