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max_retries — override the system configured max_retries


max_retries = "auto"

max_retries = "none"

max_retries = 5


By default, Momentum uses the message_expiration configuration setting to determine when a message's lifetime has been exceeded. Optionally, max_retries allows you to specify a fixed maximum number of delivery retries for a message before it is permanently failed.

'auto', the default setting calculates the maximum number of retries based on the message's message_expiration. 'none' never limits the number of retries of a message, falling back to rely only on message_expiration. These are subtly different in that manual flushing attempts can preempt the normal retry schedule for a message, causing the 'auto' limit to be hit before Message_Expiration would otherwise dictate.

Momentum employs an exponential back-off scheme for retrying messages. On the first failure the message is retried retry_interval seconds later. On the second failure, twice that and so on until either max_retries or message_expiration is reached.

If you wish to disable Momentum's exponential back-off scheme so that a message is retried at a fixed interval a specified number, use the following settings:

retry_interval = 1200
max_retry_interval = 1200
max_retries = 5

In this example, a bounced message will be retried every 1200 seconds and will expire in 6000 seconds—after five retries—unless message_expiration is set to a value lower than 6000. in which case, the message will expire in messsage_expiration seconds.


The default value for max_retries is "auto" so be sure to change it to a positive integer or "none" if you plan to use max_retry_interval. When max_retries is set to a positive integer, messages expire within messsage_expiration seconds or after the specified number of retries, whichever occurs first. When max_retries is "none" there is no limit on the number of retries of a message; the message will expire by message_expiration only.


max_retries is valid in the binding, binding_group, domain and global scopes.

See Also

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