Maintaining APNs Recipient Lists
Last updated March 2020
You can maintain APNs recipient lists by using a Perl script such as the one shown here.
The CPAN module Net::APNs::Extended::Feedback is used in the following script. For more information about this module refer to the CPAN reference page: Net::APNs::Extended::Feedback.
use strict;
use Net::APNs::Extended::Feedback;
our ($conf);
# if using separate conf.file, run command: apns_feedback conf.file
#----------- BEGIN of conf.file -----------
$conf = {
is_sandbox => 1,
cert_file => '/path/to/cert', #### fill me up
key_file => '/path/to/key', #### fill me up
sub storeResult {
my $feedback = shift;
my $num = scalar(@$feedback);
print("$num records retrieved!\n");
if ($num > 0) {
foreach my $node (@$feedback) {
while (my ($key, $value) = each(%$node)) {
print "$key => $value\n";
#----------- END of conf.file -----------
# Enable if read $conf from configuration file
#my $conffile = $ARGV[0];
#do $conffile or die "$@: $conffile does not exist\n";
die "$@: No cert defined\n" if !defined($conf->{cert_file});
die "$@: No key defined\n" if !defined($conf->{key_file});
$conf->{is_sandbox} = '0' if !defined($conf->{is_sandbox});
my $apns = Net::APNs::Extended::Feedback->new(%$conf);
my $feedback = $apns->retrieve_feedback;
# return value is an ArrayRef of Hashrefs
# time_t : epoch time of when the notification was rejected
# token : hex encoded device token
# [
# {
# time_t => "1",
# token => "hex123",
# },
# {
# time_t => "2",
# token => "hex987",
# },
# ];
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