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In addition to the APNs and GCM callouts, there are callouts directly related to push notifications. These callouts are all applicable to managing Google Push notifications (and MM7 message types). The generic_delivery_msg_dispose callout can also be used with APNs.


Documentation of the C API and C hook points relevant to push notifications are found in Hooks in the generic_delivery and httpclnt Scope.


This callout occurs immediately prior to disposing of an ec_message. If you wished to convert a failed push notification to an SMPP message use this callout in the following way:


local mod = {}

function mod:generic_delivery_msg_dispose(msg)
  local status = msg:context_get(msys.core.ECMESS_CTX_MESS, "DLV_Response_Status")
  if status == "" then
  -- "DLV_Response_Status" varies depending upon protocol
  -- but a message is treated as ok or delivered if and
  -- only if the DLV_Response_Status does not exist.
  elseif (msys.gcm.gcm_classify_error(tonumber(status)) or
      (msys.gcm.gcm_classify_error(tonumber(status)) then
    -- reset context variable for DLV_Response_Status
    msg:context_delete(msys.core.ECMESS_CTX_MESS, "DLV_Response_Status")
    msg:inject(msg:mailfrom(), "defaultNumber@deliverSMPP")
    print(status, " unknown disposition!\n")

msys.registerModule("convert", mod);

Message Conversion

You can use the generic_delivery_msg_dispose callout for Google or Apple push notifications and for MM7 message types. Note that the value of "DLV_Response_Status" depends upon the protocol used. Inspect the context variable DLV_Response_Status using the msg:context_get function. In the context of a GCM notification, this variable gives you the value of the GCM error status. If it is an empty string, then no error occurred. You can use msys.gcm.gcm_classify_error to determine the classification of "DLV_Response_Status". This function translates the protocol-specific error code to either a permanent or a temporary failure. For a list of Google error codes see GCM Status Codes . See Apple Status Codes for APNs error codes.

If you need to determine the type of notification before taking action, call the msg:get_delivery_method function. This function returns the value of the delivery_method option. For more information about all Lua functions see Lua Functions.

The code shown in “generic_delivery_msg_dispose example” converts a push notification to an SMPP message. For more information about sending SMPP messages using Momentum see Mobile Momentum Reference Manual. You can also use this hook point to convert to other message channels.

“generic_delivery_msg_dispose example” uses the constants, and The other delivery constants are:



The DLV_Response_Status variable is referenced in “generic_delivery_msg_dispose example”. Note that an empty DLV_Response_Status variable indicates a successful message delivery. All the context variables related to push notifications are as follows:

  • DLV_Source_ID – The ID, this is protocol-specific.

  • DLV_Dest_Addr – The "to" address.

  • DLV_Dest_ID – This variable is protocol-specific. For GCM it is the registration ID and for APNs it is the device token.

  • DLV_Transaction_ID – This is protocol-specific and applies only to the APNs identifier.

  • DLV_Response_Status – The response status code.

  • DLV_Response_Status_Detail – The response description.

  • DLV_Msg_Length – The total number of bytes in the message.

  • DLV_Remote_IP_Address – The IP address of connected remote entity.

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