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Last updated March 2020

enable AV scanning. In order for AV scanning to work you must separately load the antivirus module in ecelerity.conf, and configure each engine you reference in the configuration stanza below. Valid engines are platform dependent and can be found in the Momentum documentation.

Find below the sample excerpt included in the dp_config.lua file.

msys.dp_config.antivirus = {
  { scan = true,
    engine = "csapi",
    virus_disposition = "disinfect",
    honor_whitelist = { "global" }
  { scan = true,
    engine = "clamav",
    virus_disposition = "reject",
    honor_whitelist = { "global" }

The elements of this configuration table are as follows:


Whether or not to scan using the defined engine


Define the scanning engine to use. Use the module name of any installed engine. For available engines see Summary Module Information. The csapi module is configured in the default_policy.conf file.


If you use csapi be sure to set the concurrency of the CPU threadpool to a value that is less than the max_concurrency of the csapi module.


Valid values for this element are disinfect, reject or discard. The disinfect action replaces any infected MIME parts with a text string.


A table listing any applicable whitelists set in the msys.dp_config.whitelist table.


Define a function to process the scan result. process_result info is a table: { rc = rc, verdict = verdict }. For more information see “msys.dp_config.beik”.

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