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The custom_policy.lua File

Last updated March 2020

Custom policy is configured using the custom_policy.lua file. A sample configuration file is found in the /opt/msys/ecelerity/etc/sample-configs directory and is reproduced below. If you do not implement any custom policy, you need not be concerned with this file. However, you will need to comment out the line, require("custom_policy"); at the top of the dp_config.lua file.

module("msys.dp_config.custom_policy", package.seeall);

The default policy looks for custom policy in the
msys.db_config.custom_policy namespace.  That namespace can
contain 'pre' or 'post' callouts for the following hook points:


So, to run before the default policy actions in validate_data,
you would define the pre_validate_data function, with the same
parameters at the validate_data function.  You may return
msys.core.VALIDATE_DONE to terminate processing for that
phase, or msys.core.VALIDATE_CONT to continue.  The only exception
to the return value semantics is the 'init' function, which must
return true if successful, or false if there was a failure.

-- function msys.dp_config.custom_policy.pre_init()
--   return true
-- end
-- function msys.dp_config.custom_policy.post_init()
--   return true
-- end
-- function msys.dp_config.custom_policy.pre_validate_connect(ac, vctx)
--   return msys.core.VALIDATE_CONT;
-- end
-- function msys.dp_config.custom_policy.post_validate_connect(ac, vctx)
--   return msys.core.VALIDATE_CONT;
-- end
-- function msys.dp_config.custom_policy.pre_validate_ehlo(ehlo_string, ac, vctx)
--   return msys.core.VALIDATE_CONT;
-- end
-- function msys.dp_config.custom_policy.post_validate_ehlo(ehlo_string, ac, vctx)
--   return msys.core.VALIDATE_CONT;
-- end
-- function msys.dp_config.custom_policy.pre_validate_mailfrom(mailfrom_string, ac, vctx)
--   return msys.core.VALIDATE_CONT;
-- end
-- function msys.dp_config.custom_policy.post_validate_mailfrom(mailfrom_string, ac, vctx)
--   return msys.core.VALIDATE_CONT;
-- end
-- function msys.dp_config.custom_policy.pre_validate_rcptto(msg, rcptto_string, ac, vctx)
--   return msys.core.VALIDATE_CONT;
-- end
-- function msys.dp_config.custom_policy.post_validate_rcptto(msg, rcptto_string, ac, vctx)
--   return msys.core.VALIDATE_CONT;
-- end
-- function msys.dp_config.custom_policy.pre_validate_data(msg, ac, vctx)
--   return msys.core.VALIDATE_CONT;
-- end
-- function msys.dp_config.custom_policy.post_validate_data(msg, ac, vctx)
--   return msys.core.VALIDATE_CONT;
-- end
-- function msys.dp_config.custom_policy.pre_validate_data_spool(msg, ac, vctx)
--   return msys.core.VALIDATE_CONT;
-- end
-- function msys.dp_config.custom_policy.post_validate_data_spool(msg, ac, vctx)
--   return msys.core.VALIDATE_CONT;
-- end
-- function msys.dp_config.custom_policy.pre_validate_data_spool_each_rcpt(msg, ac, vctx)
--   return msys.core.VALIDATE_CONT;
-- end
-- function msys.dp_config.custom_policy.post_validate_data_spool_each_rcpt(msg, ac, vctx)
--   return msys.core.VALIDATE_CONT;
-- end
-- function msys.dp_config.custom_policy.pre_validate_set_binding(msg)
--   return msys.core.VALIDATE_CONT;
-- end
-- function msys.dp_config.custom_policy.post_validate_set_binding(msg)
--   return msys.core.VALIDATE_CONT;
-- end

-- $Revision: 2874 $
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