The ec_hash_table struct has the following members:
typedef struct _ec_hash_bucket {
const char *k;
int klen;
void *data;
struct _ec_hash_bucket *next;
} ec_hash_bucket;
struct _ec_hash_table {
u_int32_t sizeof_ec_hash_table;
ec_hash_bucket **buckets;
u_int32_t table_size;
u_int32_t initval;
u_int32_t num_used_buckets;
u_int32_t size;
unsigned dont_rebucket:1;
unsigned track_version:1;
unsigned _spare:30;
ec_atomic_t ref;
ECHashFreeFunc key_free, data_free;
ec_atomic_t version;
To use this struct, include the file echash.h
The hash table data structure is not thread safe; any simultaneous access needs to be coordinated by the API consumer.
An ECDict is an ec_hash_table.
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