Last updated March 2020
This struct is defined as follows:
struct _abstract_message
message_id id; /* Unique identifier for this message */
u_int8_t type:4; /* EM_SHORT_MESSAGE, EM_EMAIL_MESSAGE */
u_int8_t version:4;
/* This stuff changes on ever delivery attempt */
u_int32_t num_retries; /* The number of delivery retries */
struct timeval creation_time; /* Time when the message entered ec */
struct timeval next_attempt; /* Transient... time of next attempt */
struct timeval final_time; /* Time of delivery */
u_int16_t code_len; /* number of bytes in the "code" */
u_int8_t swapped:3; /* SPOOL_MEM, SPOOL_SWAP, SPOOL_DISK */
u_int8_t body_type:5; /* BT_MMAP */
u_int8_t stage:4;
u_int8_t reserved:3;
u_int8_t priority:1;
u_int8_t delivered:2; /* EM_TRYING, EM_SUCCEEDED, EM_FAILED */
u_int8_t delivered_class:6; /* see delivery_types.h */
To use this struct, include the file message_compat.h
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