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ec_dk_responsible_domainFunction to return responsible domain
ec_dk_signFunction to sign a mail message
ec_dkim_domainsFunction to return a list of valid signing domains
ec_dkim_domains_stringFunction to return a list of valid signing domains
ec_dkim_get_verify_resultsReturn the number of DKIM signature results
ec_dkim_reflectFunction to reflect validation result to email address specified in "rcpts"
ec_dkim_responsible_domainFunction to return responsible domain
ec_dkim_responsible_domain_stringFunction to return responsible domain
ec_dkim_signFunction to sign a mail message
ec_opendkim_signFunction to sign a mail message
ec_opendkim_startCreate a DKIM verify structure
ec_opendkim_verifyFunction to validate a message's DKIM signature

The APIs documented here relate to the dk module, the opendkim module and the dkim module.

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