Configuration Functions I (binding/domain)
Last updated March 2020
Name | Description |
config_get_binding_domain_drop_body_after_trans_fail | Determine the value of the drop_body_after_trans_fail option |
config_get_binding_domain_max_resident_active_queue_size | Return the value of the max_resident_active_queue_size option |
config_get_binding_domain_max_retries | Return the value of the max_retries option |
config_get_binding_domain_message_expiration | Return the value of the message_expiration option |
config_get_binding_domain_retry_interval | Return the value of the max_retry_interval option |
config_get_binding_domain_tls_ca | Determine the value of the tls_ca option |
config_get_binding_domain_tls_cert | Get TLS certification data |
config_get_binding_domain_tls_ciphers | Determine the value of the tls_ciphers option |
config_get_binding_domain_tls_key | Determine the value of the tls_key option |
config_get_binding_domain_tls_verify | Determine the value of the tls_verify option |
config_get_binding_domain_use_tls | Determine the value of the tls option |
These functions relate to obtaining the value of various Momentum configuration options. See Options Summary for documentation of Momentum configuration options. See also “Configuration API” and Configuration Scopes and Fallback.
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