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Adaptive Executables and Console Commands

Last updated March 2020

Adaptive Executables and Console Commands

Find below a table of executables related to the adaptive module.

ad_summary – Summarize the adaptive module actions
adaptive_loader – the script that loads the adaptive data used by the web UI
adaptivedb (deprecated) – Create the SQLite database used by the adaptive module
ec_admigrate – Migrate from the SQLite adaptive database to Riak
ec_adtool – Manipulate adaptive parameters in a Riak database
lu_pull – Update the Live Updates database

Find below a table of console commands related to the adaptive module.

adaptive list – Display the value of shaping parameters3.0
adaptive override – Override a suspension3.0
adaptive reset – Clear the values of the shaping parameters3.0
adaptive rules – Display the adaptive rules that are in effect for the specified domain/binding pair3.0
adaptive suspensions – Summarize the suspensions that are currently in effect3.0
adaptive warmup – Display the age of bindings from the perspective of the IP Warmup component3.0
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