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msg:build — Create a message


msg:build(headers, parts, attachments);

headers: table
parts: table
attachments: array of userdata


When calling this function, msg must be an empty message (created using msys.core.ec_message_new()). It requires the following inputs:

  • headers a table of header name /header value pairs. If the header's value contains non-ASCII or non-printable ASCII text, the caller must encode the text appropriately (see RFC 2047).

  • parts a table of alternative contents. Each pair consists of content-type/content pairs. For example, "text/plain; charset=utf8" / "Momentum rocks."; "text/html" / "Momentum rocks.". "

    If the value of Content-Type is text/* and there is no charset specified, the content will be quoted-printable encoded; if a charset is specified or content type is not text/*, the content will be base64 encoded.

  • attachments an array of attachment objects. Each element is a table representing an attachment. The attachment table must contain the following pairs:

    • type the "content-type" of the attachment. If your content charset encoding is not UTF-8, you will need to specify it in here as a parameter. For example: charset=charset_encoding.

    • name a file name.


      If the file is in the current directory, you cannot use the file name alone. As a workaround, precede the file name with ./, for example, ./attachment.txt.

    • headers a string of concatenated headers. Such as "Openby: iphone4\r\nCertificate: AKJSdwuiqdQIWDUHQIWDUH". Note that there should not be a CRLF at end.

    • content the content of the attachment. The value can be a string, an io_object or an ec_message. For a string, the content will be quoted-printable encoded for transferring; for an io_object, the content will be base64 encoded. It is the caller's responsibility to encode the io_object. When the content is an ec_message, values of type, name or headers are ignored. The ec_message will be treated as an attached mail with content-type equal to message/rfc822; name="Attached Message".

Enable this function with the statement require('msys.extended.message');.

When it is complete the message will have the following structure:

Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="_bbb_"

Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="_ccc_"

Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: inline

<the content of plain mail>
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<the content of html mail>
... other parts
Content-type: attachment; name=cool-app.exe
other headers
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

<base64 encoded binary>
... other attachments


See Also

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