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duravip_follow and the #mmove Binding

Last updated March 2020

The #mmove binding is the cluster message movement binding in the default binding group. This is a virtual binding for moving messages between nodes.

The current design of Momentum assumes that #mmove traffic will be the exception, rather than the rule. If you are seeing a lot of traffic on the #mmove binding, this is an indication of an underlying problem with the way the traffic is being injected. It will always be less efficient to inject to one node, #mmove to another node, and then deliver from that node. It is always more efficient to inject directly to the delivery node.

Sometimes a client doesn't know until the message is injected which binding to assign it to, but often this is known beforehand. When you do know which binding a message will be assigned to, it is best practice to associate a specific Listener IP with a specific binding (or binding group) by using Duravip_Follow in the Listener stanza. Injecting to a given Listener means that the outbound binding is always local. The alternative is to always inject to binding groups and have each binding group contain a preferred binding on each node, so that delivery is always local.

If you wish to determine the amount of traffic on the #mmove binding, use the mailq command from the system console.


ECmmove2 is the service that handles DuraVIP™ message moves. A node will connect to the ECCluster_listener and indicate that it is going to initiate an mmove; the connection is then passed over to the SMTP state machines on both sides and completes using regular SMTP.

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