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Setting Context Based on Connecting IP

Last updated March 2020

It is often useful to bypass anti-spam checks when you know that the sender is a machine on your network; it could be either a local user or an internal mail exchange machine that is merely forwarding the mail on via Momentum. In the former case, it's not good for your own users not to be able to mail out of your network, and in the latter case, it doesn't help you if you are tarpitting your own mail infrastructure if spam has managed to leak in.

The ESMTP_Listener configuration shown in “Connection context variables in ESMTP_Listener” will set my_key and my_other_key in the connection context for machines connecting from the netblock (this matches all connections). It will set the trusted_mx connection context for machines connecting from the network, which is assumed to be a trusted internal network. You can set arbitrary context information using this mechanism, and then inspect it in your Sieve scripts and act accordingly, as hinted at by “Acting on Connection Context Using Sieve”.

Esmtp_Listener = {
   Listen "*:25" {
      Peer "" {
         context = [
           my_key = "my_value"
           my_other_key = "my_other_value"

      Peer "" {
         context = [
            trusted_mx = "yes"

if not vctx_conn :is "trusted_mx" "yes" {
   # Apply policy checks, as shown above.
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