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All Momentum online administration, management and analysis can be performed through the Momentum System Console program ec_console, henceforth referred to as the console.

The console can connect to a Momentum instance via a Unix domain socket or a TCP/IP socket (with an optional user@ prefix) depending upon how Momentum is configured. See the section called “Control_Listener” and “Configuring Authentication for the Control Listener” for details on configuring Momentum's control listening behavior.

Connecting via a Unix Domain Socket

The console assumes that Unix domain sockets are located in /tmp. The standard endpoint for a control listener is /tmp/2025. When using the standard endpoint, connecting to the console simple requires issuing the ec_console command with no options.

ec_console also takes an optional argument to specify an endpoint if you choose to bind your Control_Listener to a non-standard value. This option is specified in the following way:

shell> /opt/msys/ecelerity/bin/ec_console /tmp/2030

This will attempt to connect to the local Momentum instance listening at /tmp/2030.

Connecting via TCP/IP

The following example attempts to connect the Momentum instance located at the IPv4 address on port 2025:

shell> /opt/msys/ecelerity/bin/ec_console

Likewise, you can attempt to connect to the Momentum instance located at the IPv6 address fd82:7796:815b:af9d:2e0:81ff:fe63:5ce8 on port 2424 in the following way:

shell> /opt/msys/ecelerity/bin/ec_console ec_console [fd82:7796:815b:af9d:2e0:81ff:fe63:5ce8]:2424


IPv6 addresses are much more flexible than IPv4 addresses in terms of their formatting options. They also use a different delimiter character than IPv4 addresses (a colon instead of a period). This means that in certain contexts, an IPv6 address can create parsing ambiguities.

The accepted convention is to require that, in circumstances where a configuration parameter can also contain something other than an IP address, that an IPv6 address must be enclosed in square brackets. In practical terms, this means that things like the Gateway, Routes and Listen options must have IPv6 addresses enclosed in brackets. Others, such as Peer, Relay_Hosts and Prohibited_Hosts do not require the IPv6 address in brackets.

Successful Connection

A successful launch of the console will result in output similar to the following:

# /opt/msys/ecelerity/bin/ec_console
# ecelerity version:
# Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Message Systems, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.

By default, an interactive console session is established, and the console client provides line editing features and tab completion (it will load your ~/.inputrc on startup). In this mode, the version of the remote server is displayed at connect time.

The console client enters batching mode if it detects that it is not connected to a terminal, or if additional command line parameters beyond the listener endpoint are specified. For example, you can list all your active modules and then exit in the following way:

shell> ec_console /tmp/2025 module list

For a TCP/IP connection to localhost requiring authentication of the user, admin, use the following command:

shell> ec_console admin@localhost:2025 module list

You will be asked for admin's password before the module list command executes. Batch mode suppresses the version information that is normally displayed at connect time and disables advanced line editing features.

To exit the console enter the quit command.

SSH Tunnel Support

The ec_console command has ssh tunnel support. Assuming that you have a properly configured Control_Listener, you can connect in the following ways:

shell> ec_console ssh://user@hostname/ecuser@hostname:2025
shell> ec_console ssh://user:passwd@hostname/ecuser:passwd@*:2025

You need operating system (OS) credentials for the ssh connection to the machine hosting the MTA and system console credentials because the control listener requires authentication. The listener stanza is shown below:

Control_Listener {
  Enable_Authentication = "true"

  Listen "*:2025" {

SSH support requires the remote server to support SSH protocol version 2, and that the server be configured to allow port-forwarding. It is not possible to tunnel Unix domain socket connections over SSH.

Options Valid in the Control_Listener Scope

The configuration options valid in the Control_Listener scope are as follows:

accept_queue_backlog – The accept queue backlog0control_listener, eccluster_listener, ecstream_listener, esmtp_listener, http_listener, listen, msgcserver_listener, xmpp_listener
always_allow – When set to true, authentication is considered to have succeeded, unless always_deny is setfalsecontrol_listener, esmtp_listener, http_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
always_deny – If set to true, authentication is considered to have failedfalsecontrol_listener, esmtp_listener, http_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
authcrammd5parameters – Configure CRAM-MD5 authentication control_listener, esmtp_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group
authdigestmd5parameters – Configure DIGEST-MD5 authentication control_listener, esmtp_listener, http_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer, xmpp_listener
authloginparameters – Configure clear text login authentication control_listener, esmtp_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group
authorizationparameters – AuthorizationParameters dictionary points to authorization information control_listener, esmtp_listener, listen
concurrency – Define number of available threads0control_listener, eccluster_listener, ecstream_listener, esmtp_listener, http_listener, listen, threadpool, xmpp_listener
disable_nagle_algorithm – Disable nagle algorithm on socketsfalsecontrol_listener, eccluster_listener, ecstream_listener, esmtp_listener, global, http_listener, listen, xmpp_listener
enable – Enable or disable a listener scopetruecontrol_listener, eccluster_listener, ecstream_listener, esmtp_listener, http_listener, listen, msgcserver_listener, xmpp_listener
enable_authentication – Whether or not to enable authentication control_listener, esmtp_listener, http_listener, listen, pathway, pathway_group, peer
enable_authorization – Whether or not to enable authorization for console commands control_listener, listen, peer
events_per_iter – Employ when using a Concurrency greater than 10control_listener, eccluster_listener, ecstream_listener, esmtp_listener, http_listener, listen, xmpp_listener
file_mode – File access rights in octal notation0660control_listener, eccluster_listener, ecstream_listener, esmtp_listener, http_listener, listen, msgcserver_listener, xmpp_listener
listen (scope) – Specify the socket that a listener listens on control_listener, ecstream_listener, esmtp_listener, http_listener, msgcserver_listener, xmpp_listener
listen_backlog – The listen backlog500control_listener, eccluster_listener, ecstream_listener, esmtp_listener, http_listener, listen, xmpp_listener
peer (scope) – Create an ACL within a specific listener control_listener, ecstream_listener, esmtp_listener, http_listener, listen, xmpp_listener
pool_name – Associate a threadpool with a listener control_listener, eccluster_listener, ecstream_listener, esmtp_listener, http_listener, listen, xmpp_listener
tcp_recv_buffer_size – The size of the TCP receive buffer size4096control_listener, eccluster_listener, ecstream_listener, esmtp_listener, http_listener, listen, xmpp_listener
tcp_send_buffer_size – The size of the TCP send buffer4096control_listener, eccluster_listener, ecstream_listener, esmtp_listener, http_listener, listen, xmpp_listener
timeout – The timeout for idle control connections on Control_Listeners60control_listener
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