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Momentum is packaged for 64-bit Intel and Sparc Solaris systems. You must download the package for your architecture, or you will not be able to run Momentum.

If you are making use of DuraVIP™ then You must install Ecelerity in a Solaris global zone. Additionally, the privileges option requires the net_rawaccess privilege which only works in a global zone.

The installation package for Solaris is distributed as a single compressed tar file, one for Sparc and one for Intel systems. The file can be found on the Message Systems support web site, named momentum-type-bundle-version-sol5.10.arch.tar.gz

The version here is the product version, and arch is the architecture you're running on. The type indicates whether the package is for sending or receiving.


As of version 3.4, mbus is no longer used so you do not need to issue the svcadm enable mbus command.

Package Requirements Beyond a Core Installation

This section documents the packages that are required above and beyond a Solaris "core" install for installation of Momentum 3.0.15 for sending on 64-bit Intel and Sparc Solaris systems.

This following profile includes the smallest consistent installation that allows all of the Momentum-Sending roles to be installed. You may also exclude the packages labelled "webui" for an MTA-only install.

UTF-8 Locales

The default system locale must be UTF-8 or C (but if C an en_US.UTF-8 locale is also installed). In particular, you cannot have en_US.ISO8859-1, the so-called Latin1 set, as the system locale; this is not a complete locale and it will prevent the database from being initialized.

If you have any UTF-8 locales installed, PostgeSQL wants to have a complete set so it can store the data as UTF-8 and then convert it correctly for output.

For this reason make sure you have the following packages installed:

  • system SUNWeu8os American English/UTF-8 L10N

  • system SUNWeuluf UTF-8 L10N For Language

  • system SUNWeuodf UTF-8 Core OPENLOOK Desktop Files

The setting LANG=en_US.UTF-8is also recommended rather than LANG=c. This helps ensure that PostgreSQL won't object during installation. You can do this for installation only; it need not be the system default.

Other Packages

The Solaris core installation ships with the sendmail packages. Remove SUNWsndmr and SUNWsndmu using pkgrm. Otherwise you must disable these packages with svcadm before you start Momentum.

For cluster support install:

  • SUNWCreq

  • SUNWCssh

  • SUNWCntp

For diagnostic tools support install:

  • SUNWtoo

For core Momentum support install:

  • SUNWgccruntime

For UT8 locale support install:

  • SUNWeu8os

  • SUNWeuodf

  • SUNWeuluf

To support the web UI install:

  • SUNWpng

  • SUNWjpg

  • SUNWfreetype2

  • SUNWicu

Optional packages that you may need to install are as follows:

  • SUNWgcmn

  • SUNWwgetr

  • SUNWwgetu

  • SUNWless

  • SUNWbash

  • SUNWbind

  • SUNWbindr

  • SUNWdoc

  • SUNWman

  • SUNWtcsh


To unpack and install after downloading the file, perform the following commands:

gzip -dc momentum-type-bundle-version-sol5.10.arch.tar.gz | tar xf -

cd delivery-manager-VERSION



For the options available with the installer command see “Installer Options”.

During installation the following roles are available:

  • database – data store (max 1 per deployment)

  • manager – cluster service manager for a cluster of MTAs

  • mta – for sending/receiving email

  • singlenode – shortcut for the mta, database and web roles

  • web – browser driven control panel

When running the installer you will be asked a series of questions that vary depending upon the roles chosen. If you are installing the database on a separate machine, you must install this role first. Additionally, if you are installing a cluster configuration, the manager must be installed before the nodes.


Installation will fail if either of the following conditions is met:

  • /etc/cron.d/cron.allow exists and the user's name is not in it

  • /etc/cron.d/cron.allow does not exist and the user's name is in /etc/cron.d/cron.deny

If you use cron.allow or cron.deny, add ecuser to /etc/cron.d/cron.allow before starting the installer. In future, the installer will be amended to check for an existing /etc/cron.d/cron.allow and add ecuser to it.

During installation a service account and an admin account are created. Be sure to record the passwords that you use for these accounts; they are required when installing different roles. If you forget these passwords and need to retrieve them, navigate to the /opt/mys/etc/installer directory and open the lastinstall file.

This will start the Momentum installation procedure. You will be asked a series of questions. At the end of the installation you will be told how to start the Momentum server. Before you do this you should read the configuration guide and modify your /opt/msys/ecelerity/etc/conf/default/ecelerity.conf file appropriately.

Solaris and the Web UI

In version 3.2, if you enable SSL for the web UI the web console may not start up.

To resolve this problem change /opt/msys/ecwebui/config/httpd.conf from:

<VirtualHost _default_:443>


<VirtualHost *:443>

Alternately, nscd can be disabled in the following way: svcadm disable name-service-cache .

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