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msys.symantec_beik.scan — Scan using BEIK


msys.symantec_beik.scan(msg, vctx);

msg: userdata, ec_message type
vctx: userdata, validate_context type


In order for this function to work, you must configure the beik module. Be sure to load the module in passive mode by setting Enabled to false. This function can be invoked in the data, spool or each_rcpt phases. It will not work at the connect, ehlo, mailfrom or rcptto phases. msg is the email to be scanned. Use this function to scan email.

A tuple is returned with the following members:

  • code – the scan result. Returned values are numeric BEIK codes.

  • beik_destination – where the email should go. Returned values are tracker, inbox and is-spam.

  • is_default – The returned value is 0 or 1. When 1 is returned, the mail should be dispatched to its original destination.

  • tracker a string suitable for use as a header.


local mod = {}
function mod:validate_data(msg, accept, vctx)
  print ("type(msg)", msys.type(msg))
  print ("type(accept)", msys.type(accept))
  print ("type(vctx)", msys.type(vctx))
  local a, b, is_default, tracker = msys.symantec_beik.scan(msg, vctx)
  if a == 0 then
    print("Error found: ", b)
    return msys.core.VALIDATE_DONE
    print("return code:", a)
    print("beik_destination:", b)
    print ("beik_is_default:", is_default)
    print("beik_tracker:", tracker)
    return msys.core.VALIDATE_CONT
msys.registerModule("test_beik", mod);

Note: When the first returned value is 0, an error has occurred. The second return value contains the error message.

Enable this function with the statement require('msys.symantec_beik');.

See Also

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