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This struct is defined as follows:

struct ec_mem_type_usage {
  /** the registered object_type */
  int object_type;
  /** the corresponding label for the object_type */
  const char *memtype_description;
  /** the number of allocations.
   * Effectively, the number of calls to ec_malloc, ec_malloc_size, less
   * the number of calls to ec_free.
   * This gives the number of outstanding instances that are active
   * in the system.
   * For variable-size allocations, this value is the same as the
   * "current" field.
   * This number includes allocations satisfied via malloc2mmap.
  uint64_t allocations;
  /** peak utilization for this memtype.
   * For fixed size allocations, this is the peak number of objects.
   * For variable size allocations, this is the peak number of bytes.
   * This number includes allocations satisfied via malloc2mmap.
  uint64_t peak;
  /** current utilization for this memtype, in bytes
   * This number includes allocations satisfied via malloc2mmap.
  uint64_t current;
  /** number of allocations satisfied by mmap
   * Tracks the number of allocations satisfied by the malloc2mmap
   * threshold condition.
  uint64_t mmap_allocations;
  /** peak number of mmap allocations
   * Tracks the peak of mmap_allocations.
  uint64_t mmap_peak_allocations;
  /** peak mmap utilization for this memtype, in bytes.
   * Tracks the peak value of allocations satisfied by the
   * malloc2mmap threshold condition.
  uint64_t mmap_peak_bytes;
  /** current mmap utilization for this memtype, in bytes.
   * Tracks the current amount of memory satified by the malloc2mmap
   * threshold condition.
  uint64_t mmap_current;
  /** for fixed size memtypes, this is the size of each instance */
  size_t object_size;

To use this struct, include the file ec_malloc.h.

See Also

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