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io_wrapper_addrefAdd a reference to the specified io_object
io_wrapper_async_closeClose an IO wrapper (deprecated)
io_wrapper_async_destroyschedules an io_wrapper_destroy in the IO thread pool if you're not in the scheduler thread, you can use io_wrapper_destroy directly
io_wrapper_cloneDuplicates an io_object, making it an independent cursor on the stream
io_wrapper_closeClose an IO wrapper (deprecated)
io_wrapper_copy_memoryCreates a copy of a memory buffer and returns a handle to that buffer
io_wrapper_copy_to_buffercopies up to len bytes from the io object and writes them to buf
io_wrapper_create_objectmanufactures an io_object on the fly
io_wrapper_create_read_jobCreates a job to read the contents of a file
io_wrapper_delrefDecrements the refcount on the io_object, and closes and frees it if the refcount reaches 0
io_wrapper_destroyDecrements the refcount on the io_object, and closes and frees it if the refcount reaches 0
io_wrapper_fdopenOpen an io_object on top of an existing descriptor
io_wrapper_flushFlush a resource
io_wrapper_get_app_contextRetrieve the application context value
io_wrapper_get_contextRetrieves the context for an io object
io_wrapper_get_handleGets the internal handle for an io object
io_wrapper_get_modeRetrieves the mode associated with an io object
io_wrapper_get_optionsRetrieve the options associated with an io object
io_wrapper_get_pathRetrieve the path associated with an io object
io_wrapper_get_schemeRetrieves the scheme associated with an io object
io_wrapper_is_memory_basedreturns the memtype if an io_object is an in-memory io_object
io_wrapper_lookupLook up the specified IO wrapper
io_wrapper_lseekReposition read/write resource offset
io_wrapper_mkpath_and_openOpen a handle to a resource, creating any missing directories if necessary and (options and O_CREAT)
io_wrapper_openOpen a handle to a resource
io_wrapper_open2Open a handle to a resource with context
io_wrapper_open_memoryOpen a read-only handle on some memory
io_wrapper_open_tmpspoolcreates a temporary file in the spool
io_wrapper_printfprintf-like function that operates on an io_object pointer
io_wrapper_readRead the specified number of bytes
io_wrapper_set_app_context_and_dtorSet an application-specific context value and destructor
io_wrapper_set_contextSets the context for an io object
io_wrapper_set_handleSets the internal handle for an io object
io_wrapper_set_pathSet the path associated with an io object
io_wrapper_set_schemeSet the scheme associated with an io object
io_wrapper_supports_lseekIndicates if a stream is seekable
io_wrapper_vprintfvprintf-like function that operates on an io_object pointer
io_wrapper_writevWrite a vector
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