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Parameters Adjusted by the Rules

Last updated March 2020

The default adaptive_rules.lua file adjusts parameters in real time based on individual rule sets for each of the ESPs listed in “Receivers Managed by Adaptive Rules” and takes actions based on the specific responses of receivers.

The following parameters are automatically adjusted in adaptive_rules.lua:

  • adaptive_max_outbound_connections – The maximum number of outbound connections. This option is described in max_outbound_connections

    This parameter is adjusted by the reduce_connections action.

  • adaptive_max_deliveries_per_connection – The maximum number of messages to deliver before closing a connection. This option is described in max_deliveries_per_connection

    This parameter is adjusted by the reduce_deliveries action.

  • adaptive_outbound_throttle_messages – Limit the rate at which messages are delivered. This option is described in outbound_throttle_messages. If this option is not set or if is set to 0, there is no limit on the number of messages sent.

    This parameter is adjusted by the throttle "down" action.

  • retry_interval – The interval to wait before retrying a message. This option is described in retry_interval.

    This parameter is adjusted by the greylisted action.


You can use adaptive options to override the limits set by adaptive rules. For example, suppose that you set adaptive_max_deliveries_per_connection as follows:

domain "" {
  adaptive_max_deliveries_per_connection = ( 20 80 )

The preceding example sets the lower boundary to 20 and the upper boundary to 80, meaning that if the AD rules think that the value should be lower, it will be clipped to 20, or if the rules decide that the value should be higher, it will be clipped to 80.

The warmup action does not set a configuration option; it sets the age of a binding. This is equivalent to issuing the adaptive warmup command from the system console. Actions are described in “Rule Actions”.

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